This is the 10-year productivity record for European Weather-Dependent “Renewables”: that is the annual power output divided by the nominal installation rating of the Weather-Dependent “Renewables” installations over the last decade.
Conventional power generation, Gas-firing, Coal or Nuclear technologies:
- run 24/7
- can be turned on when needed to match demand
- use small land coverage
- can be located close to centres of demand
- produce much more energy for use by civilisation than the energy they need to be built and run: Energy return on Energy Invested
- use limited materials for their installation
- are substantially cheaper for their power production, even at current elevated European Gas prices
The US EIA, Energy Information Administration, produces comparative capital and long-term costs for power generation technologies. When their “Renewables” costs are matched with the recorded European productivity for generating the same amount of power over the year and compared to the cheapest power generation technology Gas-firing at USA prices the comparative value for money is stark.
This comparison anticipates that the current European price for Natural gas fuel is some 4 times the standard USA price for fracked Gas production.
Would anyone sane buy a car costing 4 – 15 times the normal price that only works one day in five, when you never know which day that might be ? And then insist that its technology is used to power the whole economy.
Even at vastly increased EU Gas prices the excess expenditures on Weather-Dependent “Renewables” is still very large.
The scale of the wasted expenditure for the current UK “Renewables” fleet is about 1/4 £ Trillion.
These simple calculations show that any claim that Wind and Solar power are now cost competitive with conventional fossil fuel generation are patently false
Appreciating that future “Climate Change” from Man-kind burning fossil fuels is a non-problem and not reacting to that non-problem in an economically destructive manner would be the very best news for the Biosphere, for Man-kind and for the Western world.
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