The Untold Story of Record Hill Wind, continued

In view of Angus King's intention to seek election to the US Senate, and in light of recent revelations about the lack of justification for the Federal Loan Guarantee that Record Hill Wind sought and was granted,  I am reposting (1) the following blog post as well as (2) my comment to the DOE during the public comment period on the loan application, and (3) the relevant section of the report titled, "The Department of Energy's Disastrous Management of Loan Guarantee Programs" issued by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform,  Darrell Issa (CA-49), Chairman. 

Previous blog post from 2/24/11

Eileen Adams' story in the Sun Journal (Record Hill looking for federal guarantee on its loan  -  2/22/11) about the Record Hill Wind federal loan guarantee application omitted some important details about the evolution of this project, and how RHW principals Angus King and Rob Gardiner have represented this project to the DEP and the people of Roxbury.
DEP rules require that evidence of financial capacity to construct and operate must be demonstrated in the application. By signing the DEP application the applicant swears that the information submitted is true. However, one of the conditions of the loan guarantee program is that without the guarantee the project could not be built. If the project cannot be built without the loan guarantee it stands to reason that no adequate financing for the project exists. Therefore, it appears that RHW misrepresented its financial capacity to the DEP.

So why did the DEP issue a permit for this project and why have miles of heavily blasted roads been built across fragile mountain slopes in Roxbury? The draft permit issued by the DEP contained a standard condition stating that evidence of financing must be demonstrated prior to the commencement of construction. Mysteriously, when the final permit was issued 5 days later, the word "construction" had been changed to "operation". When I asked the DEP why this standard condition was changed I received no response, but copies of emails in the case file indicate the project coordinator (Beth Callahan) in response to my inquiry, asked Record Hill Wind to update its financial capacity. In his email response to the DEP Rob Gardiner referred to the improper condition with the mysteriously changed word, indicating he was relying on it to move the project forward and that while financing was not yet arranged, it would be in place before operation of the project commenced.


The DEP then informed Gardiner that there was a drafting error in the final permit and that financial capacity must be shown prior to construction as required by law. In response, King and Gardiner submitted a letter from Northern Trust Bank stating that Bayroot, the majority partner and landowner in the Record Hill Wind project, had sufficient funds on deposit to build the project, but cautioned that the funds were not committed to this project and could be withdrawn at any time, which clearly did not satisfy the financial capacity requirements of the DEP rules. Nevertheless DEP accepted this letter as evidence of financial capacity. When appellants challenged this letter in their appeal of the permit, King and Gardiner agreed to a stipulation to voluntarily shut down construction, and provide additional evidence of financial capacity prior to resuming construction - which has not yet occurred.
The Law Court is currently deliberating on the appeal of the permit for this project, and the applicant’s financial capacity is one of the issues under appeal. Unfortunately, the Court is not aware of the loan guarantee application because this fact was not admissible during the proceeding, which was limited to the record established in the earlier appeal of the DEP permit to the BEP.  


The citizens of Roxbury deserve some answers to the questions raised by the DEP permitting process and the failure of King and Gardiner to demonstrate the ability to finance their project. Roxbury narrowly voted, 87 to 81, to change its comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance to allow wind turbines on the ridges based on the promises of King and Gardiner that they had the financial ability to pay their full share of property taxes, rather than seek a TIF agreement as most wind developers do, and to provide 500 kilowatts of “free electricity” every month to every residence in the town. Now it has become obvious that these were speculative gestures, empty promises, lacking, at the time,  the financial commitments needed to fulfill them.
King and Gardiner’s difficulties in obtaining financing for their project, and the desperation exhibited by their application for a taxpayer funded federal loan guarantee, are ample evidence that the people of Roxbury have been tricked into giving away their mountain tops, and the tranquil beauty of their town, to a pair of smooth talking hucksters.
 Steve Thurston


Following is my testimony on 3/31/11 to the DOE case manager regarding RHW's application for a Federal Loan Guarantee:

Dear Mr. Marhamati,

I am a 5th generation occupant of my family's property on Roxbury Pond.  The proposal to put 22  turbines, all within line of sight to Roxbury Pond, on the ridge overlooking the pond, has been a source of outrage, anxiety, depression, and fear for many members of my family and many of the families who own property on Roxbury Pond.  There was a nearly unanimous vote of the property owners' association to oppose this project in the permitting process. The spectre of wind projects destroying the viewshed,  polluting the nighttime soundscape, devaluing our property and forever altering the mountain with blasted cuts and massive fills for access roads is a heavy burden for Roxbury Pond property owners to bear.  However, if these are insufficient grounds for the DOE to reject the application, there are more important reasons that reach far beyond the concerns of the affected community. 

The application of Record Hill Wind LLC for a DOE loan guarantee should be rejected because the applicant has provided evidence to the State of Maine that they do not need the loan guarantee to construct and  operate the project since they have $127 million in the bank and  the ability to self finance the project.   In a filing with Maine Dept of Envioronmental Protection,  Robert Gardiner,  President of Record Hill Wind LLC provided required evidence that Record Hill Wind LLC had the financial capacity to construct the wind project.  In the cover letter to James Cassida,  Gardiner said, "Record Hill possesses sufficient funds to complete construction without any additional source of capital."  As evidence of these funds Record Hill LLC provided documentation showing $127 million on deposit at Mascoma Bank of Lebanon NH.  (See attached copy of DEP submission).  

As a taxpayer I am appalled that the DOE would consider using my money to provide collateral for this project.   Not only does RHW LLC have the money it needs to construct the project, by admission eliminating the need for the loan guarantee,   it has partnered with the Yale Endowment Fund.  US taxpayers should under no circumstances be asked to assume the investment risk for the Yale Endowment Fund, which reportedly has assets of more than $8 billion. 

I also question the "load control" technology that forms the basis for RHW LLC to qualify for a loan guarantee in the first place.    What evidence has been provided that allows DOE to conclude that there is anything groundbreaking about the turbine controller in these Siemens turbines?  GE also boasts "load control" technology for its turbines.  What is the difference between the two?  Is it fair to ask the US taxpayer to subsidize the research and development efforts of either of these companies?  Shouldn't their shareholders take the risk for the success of their products? 

There are other technologies which are far more deserving of government support.  Projects which involve electric storage technologies, reduce the cost of solar power, develop more efficient heating and cooling processes, improve the environental impacts of hydrofracking for natural gas,  make coal more environmentally friendly, etc should have a higher priority than wind power.  Wind projects, without a storage solution, are of little use to the electric grid.   The Record Hill Wind project with an installed capacity of 50 MW,  will only generate about 12.5 MW on average at a 25% capacity factor.   This small amount of electricity may easily be absorbed by the grid without any effect whatsoever on grid operation, since the ISO-NE grid operates with a 125 MW tolerance for supply and demand imbalance.   It is well understood that wind generation, because of its unpredictability and intermittent production, must be "followed" with sufficient spinning reserves to regulate the constantly changing output.
The ISO-NE wind integration study is clear that accurate wind forecasts, grid scale storage, and massive and very expensive transmission construction are all necessary to allow wind generation to be effectively utilized.  Since none of these necessary components of wind generation are in place,  and likely won't be during the lifetime of any turbines now being constructed,  it is premature at best to encourage wind power, especially in Maine and other places with high value landscapes.  The cost to the taxpayer,  to the residents of rural communties subjected to the impacts of wind turbines, and to future generations who will never have to opportunity to appreciate the unspoiled natural beauty of Maine's mountain landscapes far outweigh the perceived benefits of Maine's rush to wind power. 


For these reasons the Record Hill Wind LLC application for a US taxpayer backed federal loan guarantee should be denied.



Steve Thurston


3.   Following is the text of the Record Hill Wind section of the report of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform


Record Hill Wind: DOE Uses the First Solar Precedent to Speed Through Another Questionably "Innovative" Technology

DOE relied on the First Solar precedent to approve Record Hill Wind’s $102 million loan guarantee project as "innovative," despite the project using commercial technology. DOE knew that the Record Hill project did not use significantly innovative technology. The Standard & Poor’s credit rating for the project that DOE received clearly indicates the commercial (and non-innovative) nature of the project:

Record Hill has entered into a Turbine Supply Agreement for the shipment of 22 Siemens 93SWT[Siemens Wind Turbine] 2.3MW wind 64 turbines to be installed at the site.

The SWT-2.3-93 turbine has been in operation in Europe since 2005, and the first turbines in the US were installed and began operations in 2006. Currently, there are a total 1,374 SWT-2.3-93 turbines operating worldwide….

…Due to harsh winter conditions in Maine, the project plans to install a cold weather package on all turbines, which will keep the turbines running in cold temperatures.

Siemens’ cold weather packages are currently in use on turbines in Canada, Norway, and other cold areas, and have performed to expectations. Along with a cold weather package, the project expects to make use of Siemens proprietary Turbine Load Control (TLC) technologyGiven that the technology is software-based, however, and is not considered a fundamental component in the performance of the turbine, the TLC could be shuttered without damaging the turbine if it does not work properly. In this case, the turbines would continue to run similar to Siemens’ existing fleet.314(emphasis added)

Much like First Solar’s "innovative" projects, the Record Hill Wind project attempted to categorize minor modifications to existing commercial technology as "innovativeness." DOE eventually agreed with Record Hill Wind’s questionable reasoning. On December 14, 2010, Todd Shrader of DOE sent an email to several DOE personnel with the subject line "Eligibility Intepretation (sic)" that read:

An eligibility issue arose during the technical evaluation of Ocotillo Express (FIPP—F1033). This project is utilizing Siemens SWG-2.3-101 wind turbine generators. It is claimed to be a commercial technology based on the wide spread use (including in this country) of the closely related Siemens SWG-2.3-93 turbines, which are essentially the same just with smaller blade lengths (101 feet vs. 93 feet). Without looking deeper into the design differences (which will occur at due diligence), I concur with the applicant that this is a commercial technology. However, for Record Hill, which is using SWG-2.3-93 turbines, it is claimed that this is a new and innovative technology, partially based on no use over 5 years in the US for these turbines. I also believe there were some differences in internal controls.

However, the 101 and 93 units are essentially the same technology. Can the same technology be innovative under the Renewables Solicitation and Commercial under the FIPP’s solicitation?315(emphasis added)

Later in the day, Ruth Ku of DOE replied that the same question had occurred before with a different project and that the "project was asked whether it could obtain alternative financing in the private market…the project was able to get alternative financing (e.g., with John Hancock) and I think the recommendation was for it to move its application to FIPP…don’t know where Record Hill is in its process for it to be 65 Ruth Ku forwarded her email to Douglas Schultz, a Program Manager at DOE’s Loan Programs Office. Douglas Schultz replied, "Record hill is well into due diligence with [D]avid [S]chmitzer. No reason to transfer at all. In terms of precedent of innovative and not look no further than first solar where there [sic] panels are both innovative and noninnovative given the inverter used."(emphasis added)

Ruth Ku agreed with Douglas Schultz but worried that submitting two project applications using the same technology as innovative and not innovative could cause a "policy issue for OMB." She wrote back to Douglas Schultz stating "[I]t cld [sic] be a policy issue for OMB if record hill followed Ocotillo. Think it’s probably less of an issue if record hill was first then Ocotillo."

318 After scheming about how to get the two applications through OMB without problems, DOE allowed the Record Hill Wind project to continue as an "innovative" project.319DOE would eventually finalize a $102 million loan guarantee (guaranteed 100% by the federal government) in August 2011. (emphasis added)


314 Record Hill Wind, LLC., Standard & Poors Credit Report, July 1, 2011 (on file with author).

315 Email from Todd Shrader, U.S. Dep’t of Energy, Dec. 14, 2010 (on file with author).

316 Email from Ruth Ku, U.S. Dep’t of Energy, Dec. 14, 2010 (on file with author).

317 Email from Douglas Schultz, U.S. Dep’t of Energy, Dec. 14, 2010 (on file with author).

318 Email from Ruth Ku, U.S. Dep’t of Energy, Dec. 14, 2010 (on file with author).

319 DOE did not finalize a loan guarantee for the Ocotillo Express project.




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Comment by Stephen Littlefield on March 30, 2022 at 4:32pm

King Anus has lied used and abused the citizens on Maine ever since he stepped foot in the state! He is the quintessential example of the "ugly carpetbagger"! His failures far out way anything positive he's ever done. But, being a far left politician that the Maine democrat party used to sink Joe Brennan's run for governor(which the far left democrats financed) against their own parties candidate, who was old school conservative democrat. Corruption abounds in the democrat party and King Anus exemplifies everything that is wrong with the democrat party, they can't tell the truth about anything!

Comment by arthur qwenk on February 15, 2022 at 5:44pm

What an unctuous unrepenting self-aggrandizing elitist  sleazeball!

 What he does do is lie effectively, which  seems to be good  enough to get him reelected in Maine  as an "Independent " liar  ,(actually a left wing fascist progressive). 

Comment by Long Islander on May 1, 2016 at 1:14pm
Comment by Whetstone_Willy on March 25, 2012 at 7:53pm

There are cookie jars and then there are cookie jars.

Comment by matt elliot on March 25, 2012 at 7:09am

Mr King is indeed a Scoundrel,    Is there an angle to his wanting to be elected into the new possition he's  seeking in the State..?

      I am reminded of him and all he stands for ,   Everytime i look out my window and see those towers standing in a row on the once beautiful mountain top.   Turns my stomach,

  Thank you Steve  for sharing ,

Comment by Mike DiCenso on March 22, 2012 at 9:38pm

The sneaky buggers get RECs when their energy is not even being used keeping the old dirty coal plants running. How some can consider this tech. green is beyond me. I also noticed Angus "transferred" his ownership to Rob and did not "sell" it. A legal way to claim no ownership while still owning it. There are enough dirty politicians in Wash. without Angus adding to them.

Comment by arthur qwenk on March 22, 2012 at 9:53am

Angus King (and son) exemplify the worst in crony capitalism. He is in good company with his friends at scheming scamming First Wind.

 His   self-serving  high level  federal subsidy seeking activities, utilizing   feckless wind  scamming  as his modus operandi  should be closely scrutinized at high levels.

It obviously helps to have friends at high levels to scam tax dollars and get away with  it.

Only via his  high level elitist connections has he  been able feed off taxpayer dollars.

Angus is the worst example of leech –like parasitic federal subsidy sucking.

Hopefully he will fail in his senatorial bid and be exposed to the light of day.

It is best to keep such scoundrels local and well exposed to the air, so they can dry out  and be rendered harmless.

Comment by Penny Gray on March 22, 2012 at 9:08am

I'm assuming the cold weather package is some sort of heater for the hydraulic fluids?   How much wattage do they draw?  Do any figures exist for an industrial turbine's parasitic draw off the grid when the wind is NOT blowing at least 28 miles per hour?

Thank you, Steve Thurston, for a comprehensive overview of Record Hill Wind's $102 million dollar loan guarantee, courtesy of the common taxpayers.

Comment by arthur qwenk on March 22, 2012 at 8:50am

Angus King can only be described in infamous terms.

He is a parasitic , federal  subsidy sucking scoundrel- like- leech.

Hopefully, he can be kept out of further political office.

He has done enough harm.

Comment by Hart Daley on March 22, 2012 at 7:39am

Steve, Thank you very much for sharing this valuable and disturbing information.


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

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Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

Task Force membership is free. Please sign up today!

Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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