A coalition of citizens advocating responsible, science based, economically and environmentally sound approaches to Maine’s energy policy.



The Maine Supreme Judicial Court issued its decision denying Champlain Wind LLC's appeal concerning a permit for its Bowers Wind Project in Carroll Plt and Kossuth Twp. Champlain Wind is a subsidiary of Maine's largest wind developer, First Wind. The decision marks the end of a six year process of hearings and appeals which pitted the wind developer against local residents, professional guides, traditional sporting camp owners and loyal visitors to Maine's famed Downeast Lakes Region. Spearheading the opposition was the Partnership for the Preservation of the Downeast Lakes Watershed (PPDLW).

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Willem Post posted a blog post
Dan McKay commented on Long Islander's blog post The SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule Is a Dark Cloud Over Energy Abundance
Dan McKay commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine PUC approves siting renewable power on contaminated farms
"Can't imagine any solar panels from China would have PFAS in them?"
Penny Gray commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine PUC approves siting renewable power on contaminated farms
"So the state/fed gov is providing 70 mil to the "more than 50 farmers" whose lands were poisoned by the spreading of contaminated sewage "fertilizer" enthusiastically promoted by the state/fed gov, and now they've come up up…"
Thinklike A. Mountain commented on Thinklike A. Mountain's blog post Tucker Carlson Exposes Deep State Hit Job On Trump
"END OF AN ERA: Trump to Stop Holding Outdoor Rallies After Government Officials Allow Would-Be Assassin to Fire Off Several Shots at GOP Nominee Before Taking Him Out - Trump can no longer trust government officials to keep him safe from would-be…"
Thinklike A. Mountain posted blog posts
Thinklike A. Mountain commented on Thinklike A. Mountain's blog post Secret Service Director asked "Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?" - Her answer speaks volumes.
"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Gteene Says Globalist Coup Against America Now In Full Swing After Failure To Assassinate…"
Thinklike A. Mountain commented on Thinklike A. Mountain's blog post Secret Service Director asked "Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?" - Her answer speaks volumes.
Dan McKay commented on Long Islander's blog post Community solar is booming in Maine, but who owns the projects?
"It would be helpful if the climate alarmists in charge of public policies knew the role of C02 in the atmosphere and natural climate cycles. The government that gives reparations to weather damages, as in FEMA, can take it away in the name of…"
Stephen Littlefield shared Long Islander's blog post on Facebook
Penny Gray commented on Willem Post's blog post Choose One: Law Enforcement at Trump Shooting Was Either Incompetent or Complicit
"Way more questions than answers at this point.  We don't even know how many casings were collected from Crooks rifle. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/rep-ron-johnson-drops-bombshell-preliminary-findings-investigation/"
Penny Gray commented on Thinklike A. Mountain's blog post Audio analysis: There were at least two shooters in failed hit on Trump
Penny Gray commented on Long Islander's blog post Community solar is booming in Maine, but who owns the projects?
"Ban all large scale solar installations on agricultural lands and forest lands.   If these politicians really believe that weak and intermittent wind and solar are going to power the planet, including AI and the Cloud and gazillions of electric…"
Penny Gray commented on Long Islander's blog post CMP Parent Company’s Offshore Wind Turbine Creates Environmental Disaster Off New England Coast
"Add that to the whales being killed by these things...but because the infrasound, debris and pollution strewn in our air, oceans and onto our shores is all "green", it'll be swept under the proverbial rug until no more will fit.…"
Thinklike A. Mountain commented on Thinklike A. Mountain's blog post Audio analysis: There were at least two shooters in failed hit on Trump
"Army Special Operations Lt. Col.: Consensus Forming that Two Shooters Tried to Kill President Trump in PA https://www.infowars.com/posts/army-special-operations-lt-col-consensus-forming-that-two-shooters-tried-to-kill-president-trump-in-pa/"
Donna Amrita Davidge commented on Long Islander's blog post CMP Parent Company’s Offshore Wind Turbine Creates Environmental Disaster Off New England Coast
"Everywhere they are they destroy and wreck havoc with the environment such a scam"

      - Margaret Mead

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The Stand Down!

Posted by Thinklike A. Mountain on July 16, 2024 at 3:00pm

Who is EDPR?

EDPR, hoping to build Maine's largest wind factory in The County, likes to say they're from Texas. Click on the box above and you'll see their parent, Energias de Portugal is owned by China Three Gorges which is owned by the People's Republic of China. Protect the United States Treasury from foreign subsidy feeders and protect The County - just say NO.



Maine Governor's Energy Office's Patrick Woodcock letter seemingly endorsing EDPR's Number Nine wind project.


NRCM's CO2 - From A Different Point of View The PDF document at the following link put NRCM's own published CO2 information into the perspective of the Maine woods and shows the terrible tradeoff that is industrial wind in Maine.  

Putting Maine's Wind Power Goals into Proper Perspective



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2 Dead From Wind Turbine Blade Detachment

Wind Turbine Blade Slices Through Entire Car, Kills 2 in Grisly Accident…Continue

Started by arthur qwenk Jul 7.

Infrasound 1 Reply

Has anyone got any research data or articles or studies on infrasound and wind turbines ?  Is it a coincidence wind developers compare turbine sound with refrigerators ? ...................................…Continue

Started by Dan McKay. Last reply by Frank Haggerty Nov 5, 2023.


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    Maine as Third World Country:

    CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


    Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

    Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT

    ******** IF LINKS BELOW DON'T WORK, GOOGLE THEM*********

    (excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/wind-power-bandwagon-hits-bumps-in-the-road-3/From Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/wind-swept-task-force-set-the-rules/From Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.” https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/flaws-in-bill-like-skating-with-dull-skates/

    Not yet a member?

    Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

    We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

     -- Mahatma Gandhi

    "It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
    Vince Lombardi 

    Task Force membership is free. Please sign up today!

    Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

    Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

    "Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."




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