The main purpose of this article is to inform lay people regarding:


1) Some of the sordid details of the Arizona 2020 Election, as revealed by independent audits

2) Some of the many ways corrupt state election officials have been manipulating the results of all elections over the decades, and likely will continue to do so, if not outlawed.

3) Mail-in voting providing all sorts of fraud possibilities to election operatives

4) The need for a Personal Identity Card, machine-readable, for each person 16 years and older, as are used in all EU nations, etc.


Those issues are hardly mentioned/examined by the traditional Media.

Reporters of the Media know of, and have access to, these details, just by googling, and by reading the Arizona forensic audit reports.


Instead, these reporters write whatever wording, such as the frequently-used “no widespread voter fraud”, and “elections were free, fair and accurate”, and “baseless claims”, and “conspiracy theories”, would be approved by editors and publishers; a sad state of affairs.

Another Media strategy is to “give it no ink”, i.e., not cover it at all, as if it does not exist.


BTW, the audit proved, the voters had almost nothing to do with election frauds; they were, in fact, the victims of fraud.


My Election articles


I apply the same exacting standards to my election articles, as to my technical articles.

I am a sleuthing-type person, and research things to death, BEFORE I write anything.


There were vast details about managing elections, and about corrupting that process, I had not an inkling about, but I do now!! 

That level of corruption is likely more prevalent in the bigger cities, such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, Pennsylvania, etc., all controlled by the Democrat party. All those cities have long histories of corrupt elections.


Much of the election fraud took place MONTHS BEFORE the 2020 Election, before the US lay public, including myself, has any idea about the many ways corrupt Election officials in many states were able to conduct fraudulent elections.

If my articles “sow divisions”, it is only due to the unfortunate ignorance of others.


The Media


Media folks should read these articles, because, even though you cannot freely write about them without losing your jobs, these articles nevertheless will give you an improved education, as they did to me.


I support my statements with evidence from non-traditional Media, because the traditional Media, including the Vermont Media, do not properly cover the subject, as they have become:


1) Captives of the Democrat party, which rewards them “access”, etc., for “services rendered”

2) Weakened by economic trends

3) Vulnerable, due to competition from non-traditional news Media


The only way to properly read my articles is to also read the URLs.


Regarding my articles, be assured, I will write them, and revise them, as accurately as I can.

Unlike the Media, I do not have to sell TV programs, newspapers, magazines and ads to survive.


Scoring Illegal Votes


Democrats used several means to score illegal votes in several states, such as:


1) Counting ballots behind closed doors, especially during “adjudication” of ballots

2) Bringing in piles of ballots before and after elections

3) Locking official Republican observers out of the counting rooms, and blanking off windows with paper, etc.

4) Pulling boxes of ballots from under tables, after official observers were sent home, because of a fictitious water main leak (luckily all was recorded on video)

5) Having vanloads of ballots arrive at counting centers, in the early hours of the morning of November 4, after Joe Biden had fallen far behind.


Benefits of Forensic Audits


Forensic audits have virtues, because: 


1) They hang out dirty linen, in public 

2) They show how that linen got dirty in the first place 

3) They provide education to voters regarding how their Constitutional Right to Vote can, and has been, corrupted by in-the-know, partisan Secretaries of State and Election Officials for decades. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, Pennsylvania, etc., all controlled by the Democrat party, have long histories of corrupt elections.


Perpetrators of fraud ALWAYS are vehemently opposed to such audits, and do their best to delay, obstruct and sabotage them, as in Maricopa County.


BTW, the scandalous VT-EB-5 fraud, largest such fraud in the US, should have had such an audit.


NOTE: See how Germany conducts its elections in the Appendix.  



This article is part of a trilogy.


1) PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA, 2020 ELECTION DATA ANALYSIS, by Dr. Shiva Audit Team, based at MIT







Here is No.2 of the trilogy


Major Issues Identified by the Maricopa Audit  


The forensic audit showed issues with:

1) Signature verification on mail-in ballots

2) Accuracy of registered voter rolls

3) Security of election systems

4) Record-keeping of election activities

5) Preserving of those records, in case they were needed as evidence in court cases.


Summary of URLs For Easy Access to Forensic Audit Reports


This URL has an image with 6 buttons, which represent the audit reports and Power Point presentations, for your convenience.

Just click on a button to download.

Ballots with Issues, as Revealed by Forensic Audit


The Maricopa forensic audit was not a full forensic audit, but a partial one, because much of the computers, computer data, images of envelopes, etc., were partially, or in damaged/altered condition, provided to the audit teams by Election officials, even though they were under Court-ordered subpoena.


Many ballots with issues were identified by the forensic audit. 

Some ballots have multiple issues, which likely are listed on more than one line in the table, i.e., the total of each line and the final total likely are slightly overstated.


About 284,412 (1 in 10 ballots) could not be CONFIRMED as the actual ballot the voter used to vote. 
Among the 284,412 ballots, are the so-called GHOST ballots; they are not found in any government or commercial database.

They appeared out of thin air, as if brought by UFOs.


See very informative video

Table 1A/Ballots with Issues

Revealed by Audit

Not located on EV33 File


Ballots related to invisible voters


Cyber Ninjas ballet issues


Duplicated ballot envelopes


More ballots than envelopes


Signature issues on envelopes


Total ballots with issues


From CyberNinjas audit report, Volume 3. See table 5.2 on page 5 of URL

That report covers forensic examination of ballots and registered voter lists


The report shows that there were numerous discrepancies found in the audit. Here are some of the findings:


- 23,344 people voted by mail, but had moved out of Maricopa County prior to the October 5th cutoff


- 2,382 people voted in person, but had moved out of Maricopa County prior to the October 5th cutoff


- 9,041 more mail-in ballots were received and counted by Election Officials, than the number of mail-in ballots sent out by the County


- 5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties


- 3,432 more ballots where official results did not match who voted


- 2,592 duplicate ballots found among the ballots handed to the auditors


- 2,081 voters moved out-of-state during 29-day period preceding Election Day; they were given a full ballot, instead of a presidential-only ballot.


- 1,551 votes counted in excess of voters who voted


-  618 votes not part of a Precinct Register


- 500 duplicate ballots with incorrect and missing serial numbers


- 430 ballots returned, but not in Final Voter File


- 282 deceased voters were counted as having voted.


- Plus, votes in minor categories, as shown in table 5.2 on page 5 of URL


In Addition:


All voter names, within the Final Voted File, or VM55, were cross-checked against available commercial and governmental data sources, using a software program called Personator, marketed by Melissa.


It was found 86,391 individuals had no record in the database for either their name, or anyone with the same last name at the address in the VM55 file.” See page 56 of URL


- more than 74,000 mail-in ballots were counted in Maricopa, even though there is no recorded evidence of the ballots being sent to the “voters” in the first place.


BTW, Maricopa County, as part of its obstruction efforts, withheld all photographic evidence of the mail-in ballot envelopes from the audit team.


NOTE: The establishment appears to be panicking. Maricopa County officials have confirmed that they are getting rid of the “tainted” election equipment that was inspected in the audit.

Photographs show ballot printers and boxes being loaded onto a “Destruction” truck in Phoenix, during the Senate hearing of the Forensic Audit Reports.

BTW, a printer leaves an invisible image on each copy. Forensic analysis of ballots on thin, 20- Bond office paper would identify the printer, which could be used as evidence, i.e., Election officials were destroying evidence.

The chutzpah of Election officials is off-the-charts.


- Thin ballot paper, used for approximately 168,000 ballots, led to felt-pen markers “bleeding through” the paper, damaging ballots.

Kelly Dixon, a Maricopa County official, ordered staff to hand out Sharpie markers to voters only on Election Day, even though she knew there are “issues and concerns” with such markers in Maricopa election guidelines. See table 1A.


Doug Logan, Cyber Ninjas CEO testified: “We are seeing a lot of very thin paper stock being used especially on Election Day. About 168,000 ballots, printed at polling places (not at traditional, state-approved printing companies) on thin, 20-Bond office paper, which resulted in a “bleed-through” ink effect that damaged ballots.


The handmaiden Media had reported, and Maricopa Election Officials knew, Trump voters would show up to vote on Election Day, because they did not trust mail-in ballots. Little did the Trump voters know, that corrupt Officials had prepared for that, by:


1) Using ballots printed on thin, 20-Bond office paper and

2) Handing out Sharpie markers to Election Day voters, so ballots would bleed through, be rejected by machines, and end up in “adjudication”.


- 11,326 voted in the November 3 election were NOT on the voter rolls on November 7, but were added to the voter rolls by December 4.

This number, by itself, is greater than Joe Biden’s supposed statewide “lead” in Arizona of 10,457 votes.


- Approximately 2,500 ballots were shown in the early vote returns that do not have a voter listed as casting them; phantom ballots?


- 255,326 early votes shown in the County-final-vote file, that do not have a corresponding entry in the County-early-voting-returns file


- 17,322 duplicate ballots, which surged after Election Day, equivalent to 1.5 times Biden’s winning margin. 

Dr. Shiva at AZ Senate Hearing: "We found over 17,000 total duplicate ballots, i.e., votes by those who voted more than once". See video in URL


 - Unprecedented number of discrepancies in the vote total. This could only happen through: 1) malicious actions, or 2) extreme incompetence/sloppiness by Maricopa County officials. It likely was both.


There appear to be too many discrepancies to declare an outright winner of Arizona’s electoral votes.


Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers stated: “I have heard enough.


- With the tens of thousands of ballots mailed without being requested;

- The over ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3rd;

- The failure of Maricopa to turn over 40% of the machines;

- The passwords that Dominion still refuses to turn over;

- Tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating how insecure the election was,


I call for the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona and a new election must be conducted.

Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently.

We need to get this right.” 


Arizona state Senator Sonny Borelli stated: “I’ve seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.” 


Arizona state Senator Kelly Townsend stated: “I want to see indictments.” 


Georgia state Senator Brandon Beach, referring to the massive voter fraud revelations in his own state of Georgia, said, “We can ask for our 16 Electoral College votes back, and park them here. And just say, we don’t want those as part of the vote. If Arizona did that, if a couple other states did that, and it got below 270, then the Twelfth Amendment would kick in, and Congress would have to act.”




Complaints From Voters Regarding Election Regularities in Arizona


After thousands of complaints by voters regarding election irregularities, the Arizona Senate finally decided to perform an independent, forensic audit.


NOTE: Here is a video of operatives dumping backpacks full of mail-in ballots into unsupervised drop boxes in Georgia, during the middle of the night. i.e., no Chain of Custody, as required by law.


SharpieGate in Arizona and in Other States


Apparently, it is common knowledge among US election officials using felt-pen Sharpies on thin, 20-Bond office paper will result in bleed-through, which causes machines to reject ballots for “adjudication”. See Adjudication of Ballots section


Kelly Dixon, Assistant Director, Maricopa County Elections sent out an Oct 22 email, stating “starting 10/23 through 11/2 we are asking that Clerks hand ball-point pens to voters, instead of felt-pen markers, aka Sharpies. We need to use FELT-PEN MARKERS in Election Day”


Arizona County officials had been handing out felt-pen Sharpies to in-person voters on Election Day.

This happens to be the day when many Republican voters decided to vote, because they did not trust mail-in ballots.

They wanted to have “their vote counted”.

Little did they know, they would be handed thin-paper ballots, which produced bleed throughs, which would be rejected, which would be placed in “adjudication”. See Adjudication of Ballots section.


Caught Red-Handed: After news articles appeared about bleed-throughs with felt-pen Sharpies used on ballots printed on thin 20-Bond office paper, officials across Arizona scrambled to downplay Sharpiegate.

See URLs. See Ballot Paper Specification section.


However, it appears these officials were outsmarted by their own voter guidelines regarding filling in ballots.

Their voter guidelines clearly specify “Do NOT use a sharpie type pen, as it will bleed through.”


After additional Arizona Sharpiegate articles appeared, a number of individuals in other states shared, they too were handed felt-pen Sharpies, when voting on Election Day. 

These messages came from all across the country, including Chicago; Sun City, AZ; Upland, CA; San Diego, CA; Fountain, CA; Idaho; Nevada; and, Pennsylvania.


Various Dem/Prog-aligned “Fact Checker” sites explained Sharpiegate as a non-event, made up, did not exist, etc., even after the Arizona audit evidence became known to everyone.


The Audit Team found there were about 160,000 ballots printed on thin paper stock to ensure bleed-through, which resulted in rejected ballots, which increased the total of adjudicated ballots.

See Testimony of Audit Volunteers and Non-Disclosure Agreement section


Maricopa Forensic Audit Data


Maricopa County Forensic Audit of 2020 Election was active from April 22 to September 24, 2021.
About 2.1 million ballots were processed by hand
Over 1,500 volunteers donating over 100,000 hours
All participants were Maricopa residents who voted in the 2020 election.


Testimony of Audit Volunteers and Non-Disclosure Agreement


The volunteers have been under non-disclosure agreements until after the release of the audit reports.

Finally, they can reveal what they saw while counting ballots in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

They noted, on video:


1) Large pieces were torn off ballots! Why would that happen?


2) Bubbles were perfectly filled-in, often on very thin paper (likely 20-Bond office paper, which has bleed-through issues, and is not suited for 22-month storage). These likely were pro-Biden ballots, locally copied from a perfect master, by election operatives.

See Ballot Paper Specification section


3) About 60,000 were illegal ballots


4) More than 200,000 ballots were sent to “adjudication”, which includes bleed-through ballots.

See Adjudication of Ballots section


Here is a 7 min-16 second video.




Ballot Paper Specification


For decades, election ballots have been printed, on special paper, such as 70, 80, or 90-Bond thickness, with front and back coatings, by traditional, state-approved, printing companies. 

The ballots are required to have the thickness specifications, as shown in table 1B

See URLs.

See Testimony of Audit Volunteers and Non-Disclosure Agreement section


In table 1B, 20-Bond office paper was included for comparison.

The forensic audit volunteers stated they saw about 160,000 ballots of which the paper was very thin, compared to the standard Election paper.


Table 1B












Office paper




Premium office paper




Election paper




Election paper




Election paper




State Election Rules define the characteristics of ballot paper, and how it is printed, such as font, font size, etc.


Thickness: Paper stock shall be thermal paper with a thickness of 175 micro-meter to ensure durability during handling, tally, and storage.


Top surface coatings:

1) Paper shall have thermal coating that is suitable for sharp resolution printing to accommodate QR codes and single pixel font line weights.

2) Paper shall also have a topcoat to protect the thermal layer during pre- and post-election handling and storage.


Back surface coating: Paper shall have no coating on the back surface to enable a unique ballot ID to be inkjet-printed, during tally.


Storage for 22 Months: All of a voter’s contest selections shall be printed on one page, on top surface only, to enable durable, 22-month, records storage (storing printed thermal images face to face can be problematic over time).


Adjudication of Ballots


Vote processing machines can be set to reject ballots for different levels of accuracy. The more accurate, the greater the level of adjudicated ballots.

With an extreme Democrat partisan Secretary of State in charge of the Arizona 2020 Election, such as Katie Hobbs, many ballots would be sent to adjudication. She determines who will perform the adjudicating, and under what circumstances it will be performed.

Adjudication means a ballot is looked at by pre-selected, partisan election operatives

Based on their biased judgment, voter intent is decided.

That process is subjective and not supervised by any independent observers, i.e., a perfect set-up for shenanigans.


Maricopa County Obstruction to Forensic Audit


County officials sued the Senate to delay and block the audit and overturn legal subpoenas from the Arizona Senate.

The County lost several times in Arizona Court.


After the County lost, Election Officials obstructed, criticized the audit and maligned the auditors, to the maximum extent.

They feared any shenanigans would be revealed by the forensic audit.

The audit showed, Officials had a lot to hide, indeed.


For example, the audit discovered Election Officials had altered election computer files on several days, including the day before handing the files and computers to the auditors, as ordered by Arizona Courts


The handmaiden Media aided and abetted the County criticisms, and piled on with the usual mantras.


NOTE: Any State Senate has the US Constitutional Right to perform forensic audits of all aspects of all elections held in the state, as affirmed by the history of prior cases brought before Arizona and US Courts.

The federal government has no role in any state elections, except when federal laws regarding civil rights are violated, per US Constitution.


Caught Red-Handed Altering Election Files on Computer and on Video


When lay people “erase or alter” a part of a file and save the revision, they think the prior version of the file is gone. This is not true. Each new version is marked with an electronic date/time-stamped identifier.


Computer analysts, employed by forensic auditors, can scan the computer code history of any file. By comparing successive versions, all changes to a file can be identified and displayed. The audit team resurrected the original files, i.e., before they were altered!!


In addition, the file-altering fraud was caught on date/time-stamped video recordings, the people at the keyboards of the computers were identified, and the case was referred to the Arizona State Attorney, who happens to be a Democrat.


Response from Maricopa Election Officials: Maricopa County Officials testified in Court they had to delete information from servers (which still are under a Court-ordered subpoena!) to make room for the next election.


That explanation is extremely far from credible, because a part of the changes were made the day before the files and computers were required to be handed to the audit team, per Court Subpoena.


Election Officials claimed it was just a “routine election office operation”.

Please move on; there is nothing to see here! See video


Forensic Auditors and Results


The Arizona Senate chose highly qualified, professional forensic auditors.

Their work was greatly impeded by the continuing obstruction, sabotage, and lack of co-operation of Election Officials.


The results of the forensic audit were presented in a 3-volume report.

See table 5.3 of URL


Election Totals, per Maricopa: Maricopa reported a mail-in/drop-box vote tally of 2,089,563, of which Early vote was 1,915,487; Election-day vote was 167,878; Provisional vote was 6,198.

The registered names on lists were 2,595,272, for a turnout of 80.51%, a record high!


Forensic Audit Totals: The forensic audit showed a mail-in/drop-box vote tally of 2,088,569

Discrepancy was 944 ballots, i.e., the audit tally closely matched the results originally reported by Maricopa County.

The audit showed Biden gained 99 votes, Trump lost 261votes.

Numerous state election statutes were violated. See 3-h video


The above data was widely reported by the Media to prove the election was “fair and fraud-free”, and “the audit was a partisan waste of time and money”, etc.

Table 1






Registered names on lists






Maricopa forensic audit






Official Maricopa Canvass












Official Results do not Match who Voted


The official result totals do not match the equivalent totals of the Final Vote File (VM55). These discrepancies are significant, with a total ballot delta of 11,592 between the official canvass and the VM55 file, when considering the counted and uncounted ballots.

The official results should always match the votes cast. See page 12 of URL


Table 2







 Official results









In person




Early vote





Election day





Election day





Election day vote





Total counted






Arizona Population


The Arizona population was 7.279 million people, of which Maricopa County was 4.485 million, including Phoenix, in 2019, per US Census Bureau.


Unidentified Voters on Voter Lists


Standard Identifying Procedures: The standard method to verify a voter’s personal data, such as first name, last name, street address, date of birth, citizenship, etc., is to match it against federal and state databases, such as of the Social Security Administration, Transportation Security Agency, TSA, US Postal System, State Motor Vehicle Department, and various commercial data bases.


Auditors Found 86,391 Ghost People: The auditors compared the Maricopa registered voter list against various databases.  

The comparison could not find the identity of 86,391 registered voters.

This very strange, as our 1) name, 2) date and place of birth, 3) Social Security number, etc., are in federal and state databases.


If all were as it should be, at one point in time, those ghost people must have gone to a Town Clerk, and filled out and signed a form with personal data, and shown identifying documentation, of which the Town Clerk would have made copies.

The audit showed this never happened.


The Maricopa voter list has 86,391 people, whose background cannot be checked.

They could be undocumented illegal aliens, who work for cash, and live below the radar.

They could be native Americans, who work for cash, and live below the radar.


However, 63,757 of these ghosts (73.8%) are identified as “Democrat or no party affiliation”, on the registered voter list.


That provides a lot of ghost names to play games with; equivalent to more than 6 times Biden’s winning margin. 

See page 56 of URL


Ballots with Known Issues


The Media did not mention there were 57,734 ballets with known issues, such as 1) improper voter registration, 2) improper votes, and 3) discrepancies in the registration. About 49,718 were questionable ballots.


This is in addition to the 17,322 duplicate votes found by the Shiva team.

See below AUDIT REPORT, by the Shiva team


A total of 57,734 + 17,322 = 75,056 ballot issues


This is 75,056/10,457 = 7.2 times Biden’s winning margin


Additional Identified Issues


1) backdated registrations, 2) multiple voter registrations linked to the same voter affidavit, 3) voters without records in any commercial database, and 4) printing defects, which rendered thousands of ballots as suspicious. 


Chain of Custody


Despite tens of thousands of ballots with issues already identified in the Arizona audit, it is likely hundreds of thousands of ballots have no legally required “Chain of Custody” documentation.


BTW, a similar situation exists in Georgia.



This URL has an image with two buttons, which will show the reports and presentation by the Shiva Audit Team


On p. 9 of the Shiva report is stated 91% of all the counted ballots were Early Voting Ballots (EVB’s), i.e., they were mailed in via the USPS, or collected from ballot drop boxes. 


Ballot Envelopes


The County handed the EVB envelopes to the Shiva team, which audited the envelopes. 
In addition, there were 9,589 EVB envelopes not received by the Shiva team. 
The County responded by stating it handed the ballots to the Shiva team.


The Shiva team, not commissioned to audit signatures, performed an analysis of signatures by means of other tests

The Shiva team identified 2,580 signature issues, 4.5 times the number reported by the County. See Note.


NOTE: As part of its in-house audit, the County identified only 587 bad signatures, or 0.031% of all EVBs received.


Illegal Votes


Here are just 3 items from a long list.


17,322, duplicate votes + 23,344, out-of-Maricopa County mail-in votes + 2,382, out-of-Maricopa County in-person votes = 43,048.


All these votes were counted

The mail-in, and in-person votes were cast AFTER the October 5 cutoff, hence invalid


Numerous Discrepancies


The audit of the ballots showed numerous DISQUALIFYING discrepancies, such as:


- Double counting

- People outside of Maricopa County voting in Maricopa County AND voting in their own County

- People officially outside of Arizona voting in Maricopa County

- Dead people voting

- Ballots with unrecognizable signatures and no signatures

- More ballots received than were mailed out

- People voted by mail, but had moved out of Maricopa County prior to the October 5th cutoff

- People voters in person, but had moved out of Maricopa County prior to the October 5th cutoff


Duplicate Votes


There were 17,322 duplicate ballots (votes by those who voted more than once in Arizona

There were 17,126 ballots associated with 34,448 images, i.e., 17,322 were duplicate ballots.


NOTE: As part of its in-house audit, the County reported NO duplicate ballots.


Table 3





 Total scan images


 Unique voters

2- copy duplicates




3-copy duplicates




4-copy duplicates








Additional Audit Results by Shiva Team


It is unknown how many EVB envelopes were originally received by Maricopa

EVB images of envelopes handed to EchoMail analysis was 1,929,240

Less duplicates 17,322, yields 1,911,918 

Less no-signature envelopes 1,919, and scribbles on envelopes 2,580, yields 1,907,419 EVB images ready for forensic verification. See table 4


1) There were 6,545 more EVBs counted than images of EVB envelopes provided by Maricopa to the Audit team; these numbers should match.


Maricopa officials refuses to discuss the issue; instead , they use their Media allies, and their Twitter page, to disseminate obfuscations/ misinformation and to avoid questions.


2) There were 464 more No-Signature EVB envelopes reported by EchoMail than Maricopa.

EchoMail identified 1,919 EVB envelope images with Blank or Likely Blank, in the Signature Region, i.e., No Signature, but Maricopa reported only 1,455 No-Signature EVB envelopes.


3) There were 2,580 more Scribbles identified by EchoMail, in the Signature Region

Maricopa reported 587 “Bad Signatures”

EchoMail identified 2,580/587 = 4.4 times the scribbles, aka “bad signatures” than Maricopa


There were 9,589 more EVB envelopes submitted for “Ready for Verification” by Maricopa than determined by EchoMail




Adding 6,545 more mail-in ballots with No Envelope + 464 more mail-in ballots with No Signature (table 4) + 2,580 more mail-in ballots with Bad Signatures (table 4) + 17,322 duplicate ballots, (table 3) = 26,911 ballots, which is much greater than Biden’s winning margin of 10,457!


Comparison of 2016 Election to 2020 Election


The 2016 Election had 1,257,179 envelopes; minus no-signatures 2,209; minus bad-signatures 1,456; minus late returns 1,536, resulted in 1,251,978 verified and counted. See table 4.


Proportionately, the three subtractions in 2016 were much greater than in 2020, i.e., 2.19 times for no-signatures; 3.58 times for bad signatures, 2.37 times for late EVB envelopes.


Why would Maricopa have such a low level of subtractions in 2020, compared to 2016?

Was the total of Biden votes inflated, because, Maricopa did not subtract as many Biden votes as Trump votes, during “adjudication”?    


Why would the turnout be 80.51% in 2020, and 74.43% in 2016, or 8.2% larger, whereas, the Arizona population increased from 6.836 million in 2016, to 7,297 million in 2020, or 4.7% larger?

Did ballot box stuffing, duplicate ballots, ghost names, etc., inflate the total turnout and votes for Biden?


See pages 14 and 30 of Shiva report

See figure 8 in Shiva report.

See the 3-hr Shiva video. 

Table 4/Election













Election turnout, %



Early ballots requested



EVB envelopes










Net EVB envelopes





No-signature envelopes







Scribbles on envelopes





EVBs ready for verification





Bad signatures







Late EVB envelopes







EVBs verified and counted






Duplicate Surge


According to the Shiva team, there was a massive surge of duplicate ballots AFTER the polls closed on election day. 


Between November 4th and November 9th, 25 percent of all double votes were received by election officials, eventually getting counted in the final total.


The Shiva team were able to track the timing of the duplicate ballots by looking at the timestamps of all EVBs received by election officials.


To make the data easier to digest, the Shiva team built a graph that shows when every early ballot was received, starting on 10/9/2020, the first day EVBs were received by the County.


Summary Table


The above-mentioned number of ballots are shown in the table


Ballots related to invisible/ghost registered voters, 86,391

Ballots with known issues, 57,734

Duplicate ballot envelopes, 17,126

More envelopes than handed to EchoMail, 9,589

Signature issues on envelopes 2,580

Total, 173,420


AUDIT REPORT, by Ben Cotton


Deleting Computer Election Files


The audit discovered Maricopa County purged their database after the 2020 Election (tampering with evidence?), and then scrubbed the machines before they were turned over to the Cotton audit team.


Ben Cotton told the Arizona Senate on Friday they were able to retrieve this deleted information, and they were able to identify who illegally deleted this evidence, before the machines were handed over to the audit team.


Ben Cotton, the leader of the forensic audit team, shared the IT results from the audit of the 2020 Election Results in Maricopa County. 


During his presentation, he noted files were deleted by those involved in the election, ON THREE DATES, before the machines were to be handed over to the audit team; one date was just one day before the machine hand-over!!

Listen and look at the 4:21 minute video.


Ben Cotton explains how Maricopa County election officials were altering/over-writing computer files, ON THOSE THREE DATES,


Ben Cotton: “We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.”


Fortunately, the time/date-stamped videos also show election officials at the keyboards of the machines ON THOSE DATES.

The individuals were identified, but their names have not yet been released, pending criminal investigation by the Secretary of State.


Explanation for Deletions by Maricopa Election Officials

During a State Court hearing Election Officials stated:


1) The data deletion was “routine practice” to make room in the computer for the data of the next election, and

2) The deleted data were archived, as required by law.


However, the Court subpoena had stated to “turn over the computers with the data”, to the Audit Team. Why would the “routine” time/date-stamped deletions take place at night, i.e., in secret? See URL with video during which Election Officials lie as it were printed.

3) Internet Activity


Election officials have denied internet activities.


However, Ben Cotton reveals significant internet activity by Dominion Software, including several entries to FOX News, in January 2020.


How come Fox News is involved? Fox News infamously called the state of Arizona for Biden early on Election Night, enraging its conservative viewers, and making it clear Fox News knew the fix was in.


There were hundreds of connections to public interest sites recovered from the unallocated areas of the hard drives.

See section 7.5.5 Internet Connections


See and listen to videos,



The voting process in Germany is strictly regulated to rule out any possible election fraud. Even electronic voting machines, which could malfunction, have been banned by the country's Constitutional Court.


"Germany's election process is quite transparent," said Klaus Pötzsch of the electoral committee responsible for the organization and running of any federal or EU election in Germany. The committee is trying to make sure that nothing goes wrong. "For instance you could look at the situation in the polling stations. In each station we have eight to nine volunteers helping out."

Around 630,000 such volunteers will be at polling places for the federal elections on Sunday. Anyone 18 or older can volunteer, but local authorities might also recruit you to help - and you can only turn down their request if you have a very convincing reason.

Before polling stations open, the volunteers will check to ensure ballot boxes are indeed empty. During the election they'll make sure that everybody has an ID with them and can show the documents every citizen receives by mail proving that they are eligible to vote.

Germany says no to computers, worried they'd make the system vulnerable to fraud

From polling station to electoral committee 

The volunteers also take care that voters won't be influenced. If, for instance, members of one of the political parties were to try to campaign inside the polling stations, they'd have to be stopped.

The volunteers themselves also have to be impartial on election day - which doesn't mean they can't be members of a party. In fact, an intentional mix of volunteers from different political parties is often preferred in order to guarantee the impartiality of the team as a whole.

At 6 p.m. sharp, the polling stations close and the votes are counted according to a rigid system. "The result then will be passed on from the polling station to the local election authorities who will in turn pass it on to the next level until all the results trickle in at the federal electoral committee."

Problems with postal vote

This transparency is supposed to protect the election against fraud. Usually, it's something that works fine, though Pötzsch said he cannot rule out that there couldn't be small isolated instances where things don't work the way they should.

"Transparency is key," explains Klaus Pötzsch

Manipulation of absentee ballots, which are growing in popularity among Germans, could be easier than election fraud at the ballot box. In cities, as many as 30 percent of voters prefer to cast the ballot by mail rather than heading down to the polling places in person.

A care-taker in an elderly home might be doing the voting for one of his patients, a husband or wife might tick the box for their spouse. In 2002, local elections in Dachau were rigged when more than 400 postal votes had been manipulated. The fraud only came to light because the 400 ballots had been filled out with the exact same ballpoint pen.

Voting machines unconstitutional 

Germany has in the past used voting machines, as is done in the United States and Brazil. But in 2009, the country's highest court has banned computers from the voting process on the grounds that the process had to be public. The same goes for counting the votes: "Every single vote has to be read out loudly and noted in a public protocol. Transparency is key," said Pötzsch.

"Public" here means that anyone can attend the counting process. And should there be doubts about the results from a certain polling station, it has to be possible to recount the votes. This was, according to the court's ruling - not possible when voting machines were used.

German Identity Card


The German Identity Card (German: Personalausweis) is issued to German citizens by local registration offices in Germany and diplomatic missions abroad, while they are produced at the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.


Obligation of Identification


According to the German law of obligation of identification, it is compulsory for everyone in Germany age 16 or older to possess either an identity card or a passport.


While police officers and some other government officials have a right to demand to see one of these documents, the law does not stipulate that one is obliged to submit the document at that very moment.


Acceptance of other official documents (like driving licenses) as proof of identity is not guaranteed, especially for old driving licenses with less security. Driving licenses issued before 2013 are not replaced in Germany, so the same document is kept.


German citizens travelling inside Europe (except BelarusRussia, and Ukraine) or to EgyptGeorgiaMontserrat (max.14 days),[2] Turkey, and on organized tours to Tunisia can use their ID card, which is a machine-readable travel document, instead of a passport.[3]


Just like German passports, German identity cards are valid for ten years (six years if the holder is under 24 on the date of issue).


The ID card currently costs 37 (€22.80 if the holder is under 24 on the date of issue).




Views: 1007


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Comment by Willem Post on October 9, 2021 at 6:15am

Response to Mark Whitworth Article in Valley News of October 8, 2020


Hi Mark,


In high school in the Netherlands, I was valedictorian in 1953; our graduating class was only 20 students.

I came nearly penniless to the US in 1955, after a 3-year vetting period, while in the Netherlands.

BTW, that is a far cry from what is happening on our recently opened, walk-right-in, southern border.

I spent 3 years in the US Army honorably serving my adopted country.

I graduated near to top of my class in engineering college in 1963; I was 26

I semi-retired at 53, and moved to Vermont in 1990.

I have about 45 years of energy systems design and management experience at all levels.

I am financially independent, because of a life-long practice, inherited from my parents, of saving and investing. i.e., never a borrower be.


I apply my intelligence and experience to all my articles, and continually strive to make them as clear, and accurate as possible, based on newly-available, real-world evidence and data.

When I see something, I say, ah, I can add or modify this or that article, or write a new article.


Heat Pumps and Electric Vehicles


Even though I did not need to, I spent $24,000 on three heat pumps, just to prove there would be about 35% of replacement of fossil- fuel Btus by electricity Btus, in my well-insulated/well-sealed, 3,600 sq. ft. house, which I designed and built myself.


This resulted in about $200 of annual ENERGY cost savings, instead of the $1,000 to $1,800 bandied about on various RE-liar websites. See URL.




This sad tale is just as bad for EVs and electric school and transit buses. See URLs.






I read your article in the Valley News from beginning to end.

It is well-written and thoughtful.

Conservation of not-yet-destroyed, important, natural areas is key for Vermont to continue to have a pale semblance of natural-habitat conditions existing 250 years ago. 


Having more wind, solar and batteries, as advocated by RE-liar websites, etc., would produce expensive electricity, which would burden Vermonters so much, as to be unable to AFFORD even that pale semblance, plus the outrageous costs of GWSA-mandated CO2-reduction madness. See URL.




VT-GWSA Madness, Copied from the California GWSA


You are absolutely right about the ridiculous GWSA looking at mostly CO2 reduction, come hell or high water.

That act was written by some naive, self-serving legislators, and EAN, VEIC, VT-DPS, GMP, etc., an in-the-know, self-serving cabal, which acts together to represent themselves and a multitude of subsidy-dependent RE companies. 


These folks are NOT YOUR ALLIES. They are YOUR ENEMIES.


My energy articles show in detail how they lie BIG-TIME about the VERY-COSTLY CO2 reduction of EVs, HPs, electric school and transit buses, etc.

My comments on True North Reports have repeatedly pointed that out.

BTW, comments are no longer allowed on VTDigger, because they ran 10 to 1 against GWSA, etc., they rained on the RE parade.


Forensic Audits of Elections


Regarding my article on the forensic audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, be assured I will write it, and revise it, as accurately as I can. Unlike the Media, I do not have to sell TV programs, newspapers and ads to survive. See URL.




Forensic Audits of Elections


Regarding my article on the forensic audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, be assured I will write it, and revise it, as accurately as I can. Unlike the Media, I do not have to sell TV programs, newspapers and ads to survive.


Benefits of Forensic Audits: Forensic audits have virtues, because: 


1) They hang out dirty linen, in public 

2) They show how that linen got dirty in the first place 

3) They provide education to voters regarding how their Constitutional Right to Vote can, and has been, corrupted over the decades by in-the-know Election Officials. 


Perpetrators of fraud ALWAYS are vehemently opposed to such audits, and do their best to sabotage them, as in Maricopa County.

BTW, the scandalous VT-EB-5 fraud, largest such fraud in the US, should have had such an audit.


My Election articles


I apply the same exacting standards to my election articles, as to my technical articles.

I support my statements with evidence from non-traditional Media, because the traditional Media, including the Vermont Media, do not properly cover the subject, as they have become: 1) captives of the Democrat party, which would reward them for “services rendered”; 2) weakened by economic circumstances; 3) vulnerable, due to severe competition from non-traditional news outlets.


The only way to properly read my articles is to also read the URLs.

I recommend you start by reading the Pennsylvania article.

ALL of that fraud took place MONTHS BEFORE the 2020 Election, before the US lay public, including myself, even KNEW ANYTHING about the all the ways to have fraudulent elections.

It has been quite an education for me, and others.




Best Regards,






Comment by Thinklike A. Mountain on October 2, 2021 at 8:47pm

To Save America, Durham Must Reveal the Whole Russiagate Story and Punish the Guilty
Be as active as possible in talking and lobbying about this. You don’t have to be a so-called “elite” to do this or be an anchorman on ABC. You just have to be a concerned citizen, an honest man or woman. Keep talking about it to friend and foe. Show up with a sign at an inconvenient (for them) place. Put it on the internet, text to everyone you know or can think of. Discuss it on Signal and Telegraph. Never let Russiagate be forgotten. Put it out there in the zeitgeist and keep it there.

Comment by Willem Post on September 30, 2021 at 11:39am

Voting in Germany

No concerns over election fraud in Germany

The voting process in Germany is strictly regulated to rule out any possible election fraud. Even electronic voting machines, which could malfunction, have been banned by the country's Constitutional Court.


"Germany's election process is quite transparent," said Klaus Pötzsch of the electoral committee responsible for the organization and running of any federal or EU election in Germany. The committee is trying to make sure that nothing goes wrong. "For instance you could look at the situation in the polling stations. In each station we have eight to nine volunteers helping out."

Around 630,000 such volunteers will be at polling places for the federal elections on Sunday. Anyone 18 or older can volunteer, but local authorities might also recruit you to help - and you can only turn down their request if you have a very convincing reason.

Before polling stations open, the volunteers will check to ensure ballot boxes are indeed empty. During the election they'll make sure that everybody has an ID with them and can show the documents every citizen receives by mail proving that they are eligible to vote.

Voting booths (photo: Stefan Thomas)

Germany says no to computers, worried they'd make the system vulnerable to fraud

From polling station to electoral committee

The volunteers also take care that voters won't be influenced. If, for instance, members of one of the political parties were to try to campaign inside the polling stations, they'd have to be stopped.

The volunteers themselves also have to be impartial on election day - which doesn't mean they can't be members of a party. In fact, an intentional mix of volunteers from different political parties is often preferred in order to guarantee the impartiality of the team as a whole.

At 6 p.m. sharp, the polling stations close and the votes are counted according to a rigid system. "The result then will be passed on from the polling station to the local election authorities who will in turn pass it on to the next level until all the results trickle in at the federal electoral committee."

Problems with postal vote

This transparency is supposed to protect the election against fraud. Usually, it's something that works fine, though Pötzsch said he cannot rule out that there couldn't be small isolated instances where things don't work the way they should.

Klaus Pötzsch

"Transparency is key," explains Klaus Pötzsch

Manipulation of absentee ballots, which are growing in popularity among Germans, could be easier than election fraud at the ballot box. In cities, as many as 30 percent of voters prefer to cast the ballot by mail rather than heading down to the polling places in person.

A care-taker in an elderly home might be doing the voting for one of his patients, a husband or wife might tick the box for their spouse. In 2002, local elections in Dachau were rigged when more than 400 postal votes had been manipulated. The fraud only came to light because the 400 ballots had been filled out with the exact same ballpoint pen.

Voting machines unconstitutional

Germany has in the past used voting machines, as is done in the United States and Brazil. But in 2009, the country's highest court has banned computers from the voting process on the grounds that the process had to be public. The same goes for counting the votes: "Every single vote has to be read out loudly and noted in a public protocol. Transparency is key," said Pötzsch.

"Public" here means that anyone can attend the counting process. And should there be doubts about the results from a certain polling station, it has to be possible to recount the votes. This was, according to the court's ruling - not possible when voting machines were used.

Comment by Thinklike A. Mountain on September 30, 2021 at 10:51am
Comment by Willem Post on September 29, 2021 at 6:15am




Everything is completed in a few days.




Comment by Kenneth Capron on September 27, 2021 at 5:12pm

Nah. It was a simple math error. You know people can't even make change at a cash resister nowadays. In the implicated population, there just happen to be a lot of stupid people. Some, I'm sure, saw the mail-in ballot and dug into their desk to find last year's ballot and sent that in too. Others, I'm sure, made an error on the mail-in ballot. They tried to erase the mistake and even tried white-out, but it was such  mess that they made a photocopy as best as they could, filled it out and mailed-it in. Later, having forgotten the mistake, and staring at the white-out catastrophe, they filled in the ballot as best as possible and actually dropped it off at the Clerk's Office. Another ...

We're fucked ...

Comment by Thinklike A. Mountain on September 27, 2021 at 2:50pm

Watch this video, even if you only want to watch in five minute chunks. After you see this there will be no doubt in your mind that the three WTC buildings that collapsed on 9/11 were brought down via controlled demolition, likely using nanothermite pre-planted over months on the core columns next to the elevator shafts that were visited nightly in the wee hours for months by an almost unknown elevator repair company. Why was Otis Elevator shut out of the job for the world's biggest elevators?

Comment by Thinklike A. Mountain on September 27, 2021 at 2:43pm

Durham Is On The Hunt, Stealth Bombers Can Strike Without Warning, This Is Just The Beginning

Comment by Willem Post on September 27, 2021 at 2:07pm

The Bernie-style, communist/socialist Dem/Progs want to PERMANENTLY take over the FEDERAL government, and excert COMMAND/CONTROL over the ENTIRE economy, as THEY see fit.

Comment by Thinklike A. Mountain on September 27, 2021 at 11:51am

The U.S. has installed its share of puppet governments the world over for 60-70 years. Maybe some of what we did was truly for our own national security. However, installing a puppet government in the U.S. in the form of Puppet Biden and Vice-Puppet Harris is not for national security but rather a step taken to destroy our country. This must not and will not stand.


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

Not yet a member?

Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

Task Force membership is free. Please sign up today!

Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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