Keep It Grand is pleased to announce that Flagstaff Mountain and Greenland Ridge have been purchased by David and Lynette Snow, Jr. of Darien, CT from Haynes Timberlands.
The transfer of ownership constitutes an abrupt and welcome change of course for the highlands overlooking East Grand Lake, which have been targeted for a major industrial wind power grid. Under the new ownership, wind turbines will no longer threaten the spectacular beauty of this border lake, shared by neighbors from Maine and New Brunswick.
The 5,315-acre tract lies wholly within the town of Danforth, and incorporates about 5.3 miles of ridgeline from north to south. All of Greenland Ridge and 1,050-foot-high Flagstaff Mountain, the focus of an extensive field of wind towers and turbines proposed by developer Cianbro, Inc. and Haynes Timberlands, is included in the parcel. The tract also includes 4,400 feet of frontage along East Grand Lake and approximately 15,000 feet of frontage on Sucker Lake.
“This is a magnificent parcel of land,” said KIG president Wes Lord. “Its high elevation and dramatic views over East Grand Lake make it special. And in the same token, the special character of East Grand depends on the natural integrity of this unspoiled range. Folks along the lake can take a deep breath of relief.”
The Snow family first came to East Grand Lake in 1905, when William and Elinor Snow (David’s great grandparents) purchased half of Manley Island. Since that time, generations have summered on the lake and have gained a deep affection for the area. The Snows presently spend summers at their family cottage in Forest City.
“Our intent is to maintain the parcel as working timberland, in order to preserve local jobs reliant on the flow of wood and fiber from the forest,” said David Snow recently. “Those jobs are important to local communities here. This tract has been aggressively harvested, and we would like to manage it in a way that is more sustainable. We will secure professional forestry counsel to guide decisions on the land.”
The Snows also plan to allow outdoor recreation such as hunting and snowmobiling. “There is significant game habitat on this parcel, and Maine people are accustomed to the privilege of open lands. So long as the land is respected, we hope to keep it open for public low-intensity recreation.”
Haynes Timberlands is owned by Malcolm and Barbara French of Enfield, Maine. Their ownership tenure is terminated as of April 28, 2014. Plans are in place to remove the two meteorological towers by July 31, 2014.
“Folks around the lake owe much gratitude to KIG Board Member David Snow, who has stepped forward to rescue those values we all cherish,” added Lord. “Thank you!”
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