In 2010 Hawaii Lt. Gov. James “Duke” Aiona signed Senate Bill 2441 into law, making the intentional harassing, harming or killing of a monk seal—or any endangered or threatened Hawaii species—a class C felony. The new Hawaii law extended the punishment for violations of the federal Endangered Species Act, to include a fine of up to $50,000 and five years in prison.
.....“Despite the protections provided by the federal Endangered Species Act, these animals continue to be at risk,” said Aiona, in a media release. Hawaii is home to more than 300 endangered species and we all have an enormous responsibility to help protect our unique wildlife.”
I believe in this statement and have actually lived most of my life protecting wildlife. Recently I was in the North Shore area of Oahu where I ran across a Monk Seal named Honey Girl. She was being protected by a group set up to guard this highly publicized endangered species. I was told she is pregnant and is about to give birth. Volunteers are organized into 4 hour shifts, to keep tourists and others from harassing this special seal. Signs warning onlookers and a barrier of yellow ribbons have also been set up so she can get her much needed rest.
Seeing this the protection of this Monk seal was very heart warming and commendable to witness. It also sets a fine example for all of us, that if we don’t take care of this world, we will lose it.
While viewing Honey Girl, I could not help to notice the wind turbines spinning on the ridges above her protected beach location. I thought about a great irony. Here we have a group of dedicated people organized to save Honey girl, while just above them on the ridge lines, Oahu has wind turbines slaughtering off other endangered species.
Senate Bill 2441 was supposed to make the intentional harassing, harming or killing of any endangered or threatened Hawaii species—a class C felony. Yet on Oahu’s north Shore wind turbines are killing endangered and threatened species. It is supposed to be illegal, so why are these spinning turbines allowed to kill them?
This is happening for many reasons. First of all, the industry has been issued special Incidental Take permits from the Interior Department which allows the killing of a certain number of these important species. Our government considers their death incidental, even though the act of installing these knowingly deadly turbines, is not incidental and is a very “intentional” premeditated act. In fact, the building of these turbines so intentional and premeditated that the industry must rig their mortality research to keep the public from knowing their industrial devastation to wildlife. This destruction occurs not only to endangered species but to all species that fly, including insects.
This industry’s mortality is so devastating to species, that it if it continues, it will cause extinction to many species and many new species will be added to the endangered species list. The many endangered species living in the Hawaiian Islands are some of the most vulnerable in the world, but unknown to the public is that, nothing slaughters off bird and bats in their habitats like these wind turbines. The reality about wind energy is that accepting them and blindly supporting them, is fast tracking many species to extinction.
I see the great irony surrounding Honey girl as being public ignorance. I believe that if given the truth, most will listen. The people of Hawaii should listen to what I have to say because I can speak the truth. I truly am an independent wildlife biologist and an expert on wind industry research. My articles have proven many times over that this industry's mortality research is fraudulent and is being designed to hide mortality. It has been like this since 1985.
I have looked over the mortality studies conducted around Oahu's wind turbines. These studies are far from being scientific. In fact, they are a complete mess. But this is a good thing if you are selling turbines because hiding the truth enables more turbines to be built. Apparently studies that are a mess can also guarantee job security because the I see many of same industry names over and over again.
While looking over Oahu’s turbine studies, I couldn’t help but notice that one of the outfits that worked on these mortality studies, has a history of producing terrible and even ridiculous studies. In one study conducted by them in CA, I was given evidence that searches written up in their study were even actually done. This outfit was also involved with flawed studies conducted on Lake Erie where the wind industry plans to install hundreds of massive turbines that will have devastating impacts to birds in great numbers along one of America’s great migration routes.
I contacted the Interior Department about the bogus research produced by this company and even gave them other evidence of industry misconduct, but I never heard back from them.
And speaking of misconduct, everyone should read my blog about a "Wind Tech" I interviewed about 18 months ago. During this interview I was told about 5 eagles killed in one month by his company’s turbines that were not reported. This non-reported eagle mortality was later verified inadvertently with eagle carcass data given to me by the USFWS.
At the very least, I want the people of Hawaii to understand that they cannot possibly know what is really happening to their endangered species from these turbines.
I am aware of all this because my research into the wind industry's mortality studies has found that their studies been routinely designed with flaws and nonscientific methodology since 1985. These flaws hide carcasses and alter data. Sadly, all this industry research has no credibility. This bogus research is also legal to produce because what they do is “voluntary” and requires no accountability. These meaningless wind industry guidelines were given to them long ago by the Interior Department. It is also why thousands of eagles and millions of birds being killed by this industry have been not accounted for.
The Denver Eagle Repository has received over 33,000 eagle carcasses since 1997 and the origin/source of all the eagles is an Interior Department top secret. This information will not be released. Yet when this facility was opened the openly FWS admitted that wind turbines were a primary source of the repository’s dead eagles.
When I asked a FWS agent about this data, I was told, “I checked with our repository and learned that they don't keep detailed records of where the eagles they receive come from;” but she did not care to disclose that the special shipping crates made for eagle carcasses, are provided by the USFWS. Theses crates also have prepaid overnight shipping, making this eagle carcass location information very easy to find if they really wanted to.
How many bats and other endangered species are really being killed in Hawaii by turbines? My estimate is that hundreds have killed and hundreds more could have been reported. But the public will never know until honest scientific studies are conducted. For decades, studies around communication towers used methodology to actually find as many carcasses as possible, the industry does not. One example of this is that the wind industry deliberately avoids using daily searches. If they did, they would likely be reporting hundreds of endangered bats being killed in Hawaii from turbines.
I will remind readers that pretending to do research is not science, manipulating data is not science and being exposed to filtered information in the media does mean it is true.
Now pay very close attention to this information ……… At Altamont pass over a 25-year period, using ridiculous wind industry search methodology, only a hand full of bat carcasses were ever reported being killed by turbines. This small reported number was because these tiny carcasses were being eaten or carted off before they could be found. Yet with daily searches is it likely tens of thousands of bats would have been found over this same period. I have proof of this estimate from a hidden study conducted long ago at Altamont. Ignoring the obvious, I will remind readers, is also not science.
The industry may mitigate their impacts and dole out lots of money, but mitigation can never be fair and honest when fake research has been hiding the truth. In addition, no amount of money will make up for the bogus research that helps lead to species extinction.
Here is a disturbing wind energy statement made by the American Bird Conservancy birds on their website …….
“ All mortality data for birds and bats are collected by independent, third-party consultants. On the mainland, virtually all data showing how many birds and bats have died at a certain wind facility are collected and reported to regulators by consultants who are hired b.... In Hawaii, however, this work is done by independent, third-party experts. Wind developers in Hawaii are also subject to greater scrutiny, including expensive fines or even prosecution, for killing federally protected birds. Having trusted third-party consultants do this work and report directly to regulators avoids an obvious conflict of interest.
ABC also states ………….“Transparency is another important area where Hawaii is doing well. One wind energy complex, Kaheawa I and II on the island of Maui, has killed 73 native birds and bats, including endangered species such as the Hawaiian Petrel and Nene. It would have been virtually impossible for the public or concerned conservation organizations to obtain this data on the mainland.”
This glowing statement from ABC is really not true because science looks for the truth. Hawaii’s research had carcass searches far too infrequent and they took place in search plots 5-10 times too small. All these studies also allowed wind personnel to handle carcasses. Keep in mind these are studies that are supposedly investigating turbine mortality that includes endangered species.
Hawaii’s studies that look for endangered species carcasses, really are a disgrace. I have proof of wind turbines much smaller than those on Oahu, launching tiny bat carcasses more than 100 meters. All of Hawaii nonscientific turbine studies have ignored this fact.
Another problem the public needs to grasp is that there can never be any truth or transparency when FWS agents, those conducting surveys, conservation groups, and all wind industry personnel, are bound by non-disclosure agreements. The information given to the public is filtered. This situation allows rigging and as a result the public is being fed lies by omission. It is a disgrace and it is a form of fraud. It is also why nothing quoted by these entities in the media should be considered true.
If Hawaii really wants the truth about their vanishing endangered species and understand the true impacts from these turbines, they will quickly make some badly needed changes. They should start by demanding daily searches, hiring truly independent experts, and make it a felony for anyone caught concealing carcasses from any project site a felony. Hawaii should also immediately expand the industry’s tiny search areas to fit the size and power of these massive turbines. Search areas should be increased from their current maximum of about 100 meters, to 200 meters with any relevant species injured or deceased, located within ½ mile of any wind project reported.
While bats have been in the news in Hawaii lately, I want to point out that the most damage currently occurring from Hawaii’s turbines, may be hidden because other species like eagles, rate far more favorably with the public. The industry has a long history of hiding these kinds of impacts. In fact I could write another article just on the carnage these few turbines have already brought to Hawaii’s Great Frigatebirds. The Hawaii studies have said very little about this.
Everybody in Hawaii should be made aware of devastation that will come from this profit seeking industry trying to move into on your beautiful state. If the people of Hawaii do not wake up, in a short few years some your treasured species will be extinct from wind energy. Then when this day happens, adding to this looming environmental disaster will be the realization that even though Hawaii has hundreds of these spinning behemoths, wind energy is still only contributing a small fraction of Hawaii’s energy consumption.
This realization, of the very limited energy production from wind, is something else being kept from the public.
Jim Wiegand is an independent wildlife expert with decades of field observations and analytical work. He is vice president of the US Region of Save the Eagles International, an organization devoted to researching, protecting and preserving avian species threatened by human encroachment and development.
Much more information about this sinister industry can be found at these links below:
The highest annual estimated bird mortality from wind turbines in the US is claimed to be no more than 573,000. This article analyzes the manipulation of mortality study conducted at a University around one large turbine. Read how this unscientific study relates to this fake US wind mortality estimate.
Has annual wind turbine mortality to birds and bats reached 45 million? Yes, according to one study.
This is a recent comprehensive summery of the fake wind industry research being used to push wind projects onto an ignorant public. Hundreds of 700 ft turbines are planned for Lake Erie.
A three-part article “Harvesting Eagles” that discusses the wind industry’s /FWS rigged research and the corrupt history behind the latest proposal to kill 6200 eagles annually.
These two articles expose Audubon and their two-faced role in the development of wind energy
This article discusses the 31,000 (2015 numbers) unaccounted for eagle carcasses that have been sent to the Denver Repository since 1997. In this 3 part article even former FWS agents speak out.......... "Voice of Dead eagles"
Additional hidden eagle carcass information and dismal wind energy production numbers are available for congress in this 2 part article "Clean Energy Producers Act of 2015 (H.R. 493): Eagle Slaughter Amnesty for Industrial Wind".
Here is an excellent article that describes some of the hidden tricks being used to rig wind industry mortality data. "Exposing the wind industry genocide" - The ECOReport
An additional article that describes some of the various methods being used to rig wind industry mortality data. Big Wind & Avian Mortality (Part I & Part 2)
This Article exposes a hidden and rapidly declining golden eagle population "EAGLE EXPERT WARNS OF POPULATION COLLAPSE"
An early article that discusses some of the history behind the industry rigged
research. "THE 28 YEAR WIND INDUSTRY COVER-UP" Parts 1 & 2
An article that discusses wimpy lawsuits that get lots of media attention but let this industry off the hook. "Bald and Golden Eagles Victorious: Court Invalidates 30-Year “Eagle Take” Rule" (feds vs. federal law)
Readers will also be further enlightened about the industry's rigged research if they view the YouTube video "Cheeseburgers and the wind industry".
Paul, I have no idea what has become of the wind tech. Some of this is by design because nondisclosure agreements were signed that put him at risk.
Thank you Jim for your efforts and for reminding us frequently one of the many reasons why we need to keep fighting. I hadn't read the 'wind tech' posting and did now. Very disheartening. I hope that tech has found some way to get away from the wind industry and bring peace into his life.
U.S. Sen Angus King
Maine as Third World Country:
CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power
Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.
Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT
(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”
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Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future
"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."
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