The utility told many developers last week that their projects are causing technical problems at power substations. One calls it ‘a titanic event’ that raises doubt about projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Maine’s burgeoning solar industry is up in arms, after many developers received emails from Central Maine Power last week indicating that their projects are causing technical problems at substations that could require costly upgrades.
The controversy is erupting as scores of solar developers are building and proposing projects in Maine worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
The unprecedented activity is being spurred by recent state policies and laws aimed at encouraging a rapid shift from oil and gas to renewable electric power for running cars and heating buildings. The state’s new Climate Action Plan, a blueprint for how to electrify Maine’s economy, reduce carbon emissions and prepare for a changing climate, strongly encourages solar development.
But the solar industry says the current momentum is now threatened because CMP’s apparent technical problems could prompt investors and power buyers to hold back.
“This is a major screwup,”... more [truncated due to possible copyright]
Some have accused the wind warriors in the Hamptons of being NIMFY's. (Not in my front yard). Some have stereotyped these persons as including wealthy elites who otherwise are happy to mindlessly decree wind power cover the interior ridge lines in the rural northeast, but not on their pricey shores. That may or may not be true. However they may feel about wind power desecration of the interior, I hope that they realize that this useless power source is bad for everyone and we've all been played. Come together all. We have a common enemy. Connect the dots must be the order of the day -- they want to keep us divided. We should support the people in the Hamptons and they should support us.
NY Hamptons: Wainscott residents sue East Hampton Town to stop wind farm cable
The proceeding contends the town rushed the process through without the proper review and did so in part to thwart the residents’ efforts to incorporate the hamlet as a village. It also says the developer "purchased the town’s compliance," referring to a $28.9 million community benefits package offered by the developers as part of the deal.
In January, the East Hampton Town Board approved an agreement granting an easement to developers Orsted and Eversource to run a cable beneath a Wainscott beach and under town roads to a LIPA substation on Cove Hollow Road.
A group of Wainscott residents has filed a lawsuit against East Hampton Town over its agreement with the developers of the state’s first wind farm that would allow an underground electric cable to run through their community.
The town board on Jan. 21 approved an agreement granting an easement to developers Orsted and Eversource to run a cable beneath a Wainscott beach and under town roads to a LIPA substation on Cove Hollow Road. The article 78 proceeding electronically filed in state Supreme Court on Tuesday seeks to overturn that decision.
The proceeding contends the town rushed the process through without the proper review and did so in part to thwart the residents’ efforts to incorporate the hamlet as a village.
It also says the developer "purchased the town’s compliance," referring to a $28.9 million community benefits package offered by the developers as part of the deal.
"Supervisor [Peter] Van Scoyoc totally failed to balance his understandable efforts... more [truncated due to possible copyright]
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