What an Electoral Landside Looks Like; The Consequences for Democrats

What an Electoral Landside Looks Like; The Consequences for Democrats


Authored by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann via American Greatness,

FRIDAY, NOV 08, 2024 

While there are a few close states not officially yet called, Trump is on his way to what we called several weeks ago, something close to a 312 – 226 Electoral College vote victory.


He’s swept all seven swing states. He made New Hampshire and Virginia competitive, expanding his electoral map and forcing Democrats to spend resources in the race’s waning days.

Best of all, he won a resounding popular vote victory, the final numbers of which will come in the days to come.



What did we learn from Trump’s victory in 2024?

It played out much as it did in 2016 with the collapse of the vaunted Democrat “Blue Wall” of Rust Belt states. With the exception of just one state, Michigan, where Trump won 49.8% of the vote, Trump won more than 50% of the vote in the six remaining crucial swing states.

Down ballot, Republicans made sizable gains in the Senate and it’s now looking likely that there will be no Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries in place to derail the Trump 47 legislative agenda.

Not having to work to be re-elected, Trump is, in essence, a lame-duck president, when he takes the oath of office on January 20, 2025.

On Day One, the Trump Administration can start cleaning house of the Deep State operatives, who infest every level of the federal bureaucracy, especially top appointees and executives.

And the deportation of criminal aliens will start immediately with the support of both houses of Congress.


That starts with the Department of Justice (DOJ), where on Wednesday it pulled off an unconstitutionally-appointed attack dog, Special Prosecutor Jack..., from the two federal cases in DC and Florida.

The Fani Willis election interference case in Georgia is on life support and faces the prospect of also being shut down by Georgia law.

Only in the Alvin Bragg/Judge Marchon Stormy Daniels case in New York does Trump face the prospect of incarceration.

Marchon is likely, if he has the good sense, to suspend the sentence while Trump’s attorneys wind the case through the appeals process.


As we said months ago, the real cost of this election for Democrats will be that Trump will get to appoint at least two more Supreme Court justices to replace Clarence Thomas and Samual Alito (who have stayed on the court awaiting a Republican victory in 2025) from a crop of young Conservative jurists in their 40s, so Trump’s impact will last long after both Trump and both of us will be six-feet under.

He might even get to pick Justice Sotomayor’s replacement, giving the SCOTUS a 7 – 2 Conservative majority. .


More than the false flag of Project 2025, this is what Democrats now face on crucial social issues like abortion (which turned out to not be enough to motivate Republican women to vote against Trump, Senate Republicans, and the incoming Republican/Conservative agenda).

With a few Senate races still to be decided, Republicans will control the Senate on their way to a 53 – 47 or 54 – 46 majority.

This means that squishy Republican RINOs like Susan Collins from Maine and Lisa Murkowski from Alaska will be unable to derail the Trump Train on legislative issues and court appointments.


This is the nightmare scenario for Democrats that absolutely no one is talking about.


Sometimes it’s hard to accept trends that we really want because, as Conservatives, we’re used to disappointment.

This election is a good example; we wanted Trump, but were ready to accept Harris due to all of the money and power behind her.

Yet, the people stepped up and made the right choice. They took revenge for the insults of the past 4 years

It restored faith in the American electorate.

Thus far, we have not seen the massive cheat that took place in 2020 because the race was never close enough for the cheat to be plausible. Too big too rig


In 2024, even after several years of DOJ lawfare, Trump did even better than in 2020

Joyful Harris, with a lot of help/hype from the Media and Celebrities, did better than Hillary in 2016.

However, she was still a far cry from the puffed-up numbers of Biden in 2020.


Why did about 10 million 2020-Biden voters decide not vote for Harris in 2024?

These voters were enthusiastic about Biden in 2020, but did not bother to vote for Harris in 2024?

The more likely explanation is, 10 million Biden ballots were manufactured and injected into the Democrat ballot-counting machines.


Despite massive mudslinging by domestic and foreign Media, and US DOJ lawfare, Trump won by a landslide in 2024.

The American people finally took revenge for the Un-American insults of the past 4 years



































Whittling Away at Trump’s Margin








Trump margin











































































































Each day, Harris is credited with more additional ballots than Trump

The longer counting goes on, the smaller the Trump margin; erasing the Trump margin after polls closed!!

How can Harris, the loser, get more ballets added each day after the polls closed?

Those “special” ballots likely are inserted by hook and crock, while no one is looking!


Trump was ahead on the ballot count by 4.655 million on Nov 5, but now is ahead by 2.709 million, because the corrupt Democrat counting machines are crediting Harris, the loser, with more ballots than Trump, the winner.

Democrat ballot counting machines will “find” them, “cure” them, as usual, and then count them.

Data from above Wikipedia URL


The machines will count, count, count, until Harris is ahead, while no one is looking.
The machines will count, count, count, until Senator Casey is re- elected in PA.
Whittle, whittle, whittle, to make it easier to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct legislative agendas.


Harris, a lousy campaigner, did not "benefit enough" from the Democrat counting machines in 2024, because:


No pandemic lockdown

Thousands of Republican lawyers, etc., watching for ballot fraud

The race was not even close, thus large-scale cheating would have been too obvious

World salad, joyful Harris for President…REALLY?


Look at the trajectory going back when Biden was “elected” in 2020.

The Dems figured they could cheat their way into power forever, no matter how incompetent or unqualified the candidate.

Putting Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket was their way of sticking a thumb into the eye of America, stating, “We are in control and can do whatever we want, and there is nothing you can do about it.” 


The election cycle’s biggest loser beyond Harris and her buffoonish running mate Tim Walz was Barack Obama and the cadre of so-called celebrities with their nonstop condescension toward America.

Obama stands out, continuously expressing his “disappointment” at us.

This cipher with a chip on his shoulder has always been the least accomplished person walking into any room yet portrays himself as some sort of statesman with no record of doing anything except feathering his own nest.

Even many middle-of-the-road Democrats are tired of this guy and his outsized ego.


Harris is toast; now that she’s lost and conceded, she will be memory-holed by the media and cast out to sea, never to be let anywhere near a position of power—well, maybe in California, the only place where she has any chance whatsoever at being elected to anything.

But nationally, a huge embarrassment for Democrats who thought they could nominate a ham sandwich and get away with it.


Democrats are now at a crossroads.

They have no leadership that has any credibility, due to the laughably ridiculous Harris-Walz campaign.

 We could write a scathing post-mortem on this but why even bother? 

This campaign was a joke—a fraud put upon the public by the Democrats, who believed they were going to be in power forever and thought they could put a couple of stupid, malleable candidates with mental issues in fron....


This is worse than Chauncy Gardner in “Being There.” 

Chauncy could at least articulate his thoughts, as he fooled everyone into thinking he was some brilliant political and cultural philosopher.


These two were a monumental train wreck, particularly when placed next to the Trump/Vance ticket.

The Democrats are in a disastrous position that might not even be fixable for a generation or two.

There is no back bench of viable young lefties, only socialists/communists with Big Government positions that can only be implemented in deep blue states (CA, NY, IL, VA, MI) and have no national appeal.

And these blue states have a population that is growing tired of the conditions with whic... and are now empowered by Trump to effect change.


We strongly sense a cultural shift that is going in our favor.

The abject bullshit that we as a nation have been force-fed over the past twenty years is coming to a reckoning that could only take place here in the U.S.


With Trump’s likely SCOTUS appointments, and the house cleaning that is likely to take place, it will be glorious to envision.

Democrats in the House of Representatives like the reprehensible Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and his bunch will challenge the election results , because they have nothing to lose in the effort.


They must play to their far-left base to keep them placated, so they can retain power in some reduced way.

But this will turn out to be theater in the end…and Raskin will be relegated even more to the position of radical weirdo screaming from the back bench, which, we’re sure, he’s okay with.


This is a second Reagan “Morning in America” moment, and it’s grand.

It’s time to breathe a sigh of relief that we were correct in our prognostication for the 2024 election result.

The four-year-long Biden-Harris national nightmare is now over.

Trump’s decisive win will be the beginning of a decades-long Golden Age of freedom, prosperity, economic growth, and a smaller, more accountable government that actually works for its citizens.


God bless Donald Trump and his band of happy warriors, ready for the battle ahead!

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Comment by Willem Post on November 13, 2024 at 11:08am

Ban the Offshore Wind Turbine FIASCO NOW
Eliminate all subsidies of any kind to all industries, etc., NOW
Regarding disintegrating rotor blades in Cape Cod, the field test of fully instrumented, 351-ft long, rotor blades on a mast, for AT LEAST one year, in a windy area of the North Sea, is the most important part, which GE executives “omitted”.
These rotor blades are about three times as long as airplane wings of a Boeing-747.
Nobody in their sane mind would ever bypass field testing, including torsion testing.
What were these GE top executive folks thinking? 
How in hell did they get in these top positions?
Falsifying test records to endanger people, and the environment, and ocean fauna, and fisheries, and tourism? All these are felon offenses.
All involved should be fired and prosecuted for malfeasance, and blacklisted, and never again be allowed to be employed in any industry.
Bureau of Safety and Environment Enforcement, BSEE, (what a name for a useless bureau) WANTS TO ESTABLISH FACTS ON THE GROUND (by building wind turbines without rotors) SO PROJECTS WILL BE HARDER TO CANCEL BY SANE PEOPLE IN EARLY 2025
Utilities paying 15 c/kWh, wholesale (after 50% subsidies), is gross economic insanity, plus all of us: 

– paying for grid reinforcement and extension, plus:
– paying for traditional plants counteracting variable output, on a less than minute by minute basis, 24/7/365, plus
– paying for traditional plants providing electricity during low wind, low solar conditions, plus
– paying for expensive hazardous waste landfill
The insanity and environmental damage it all is off the charts.
No wonder Europe’s near-zero, real-growth economy is in such big do do
Europe wants to foist high electricity prices into the US (using the fig-leaf canard of global-warming/climate-change), so the US will be in big do do as well, TO MAINTAIN ITS EXTREMELY ADVANTAGEOUS TRADE BALANCE WITH THE US; money talks.
Why in hell is a GE, a US company, building several hundred EXPERIMENTAL rotor blades in Quebec, Canada, and have them transported, from Cape Cod to France, on specialized European ships, to a French testing facility?
How low and idiotic can a US company go by screwing US workers out of jobs?
Socialist, left wing, incompetent, Democrat, cabal, using feeble BIDEN/joyful HARRIS as their puppets for 4 years, did their Wind thing, and their Open Borders thing, that ended up screwing US viability, and US people, and play into the hands of Europe, the reason the European elites like Biden/Harris so much.
What was the traitorous, Socialist, left wing, incompetent, Democrat cabal thinking?
Now you see why the American people finally had to take revenge by voting the cabal idiots out
Now you see why European elites hate Trump, because he puts AMERICA FIRST, UNLIKE TWO-FACED RINOS, LIKE SENATOR COLLINS, etc.

Comment by Penny Gray on November 12, 2024 at 10:18am

It's going to be an interesting holiday season for families of mixed partisanship.


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/wind-power-bandwagon-hits-bumps-in-the-road-3/From Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/wind-swept-task-force-set-the-rules/From Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.” https://www.pinetreewatchdog.org/flaws-in-bill-like-skating-with-dull-skates/

Not yet a member?

Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

Task Force membership is free. Please sign up today!

Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."


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