As more details emerge about Hunter Biden’s emails and Biden Family connections to China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries that would provide most of the metals and minerals America would need under any Green New Deal, we should contemplate how much some families, companies and countries would be enriched by the GND – while others would lose their jobs, see their energy prices skyrocket, and watch their favorite scenic vistas and wildlife habitats get blanketed by wind turbines, solar panels and biofuel plantations.

We would also observe mining, processing, manufacturing, fossil fuel use and child labor soar to their highest levels in human history in faraway places that would be ripping up their own backyards, processing those materials, and making all those GND turbines, panels and batteries.

I lay it out in this article. Thank you very much for posting it, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,



The Biden Family Green New Deal

Some will profit, while most people’s life, living standards and environment take a big hit

Paul Driessen

Some 90% of all US wells are now hydraulically fractured. Fracked wells in shale formations open up vast supplies of oil, natural gas and petroleum liquids that previously were locked up and inaccessible. Fracking conventional wells expands and prolongs production, leaving less energy in the ground.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, AOC, the Democrat Party and US environmentalists are determined to make climate change, the Green New Deal, and replacing fossil fuels with wind, solar, battery and biofuel power the centerpiece of their foreign and domestic policies. They would ban fracking outright – or price and restrict it out of existence through a slow, painful death of a thousand regulatory cuts.

That would cost millions of jobs and billions of dollars in annual royalty and tax revenues, send energy prices soaring, and end America’s newfound status as the world’s foremost oil and gas producer. 

It would also hammer environmental quality, especially in sunny and windy locations, such as Western, Midwestern and coastal states. Their fossil fuel revenues would disappear; their wind and sunshine would be exploited; their open spaces, scenic areas and wildlife habitats would be blanketed with wind turbines, solar panels, transmission lines, and warehouses filled with backup power batteries.

But some would benefit greatly – including those with financial and other interests in mining, mineral processing and manufacturing related to wind, solar and battery technologies. Hunter Biden’s email trove and growing cascades of other evidence continue to reveal fascinating Biden Family connections to China, Russia and Ukraine: countries that would profit mightily from a US Green New Deal, because they supply most of the metals, minerals and components that are absolutely essential under any GND vision.

Many news media, social media and search engines routinely spike, censor or bury stories that could harm the Biden candidacy, sow doubt about manmade climate chaos, or undermine claims that the GND transition would be easy, affordable, ecological, sustainable and painless. It would not be.  

Wind and sunshine are certainly partially clean and partially renewable. Harnessing them to power America is not.

Fossil fuels still provide 80% of US energy. In 2018, they generated 2.7 billion megawatt-hours of electricity. Another 2.7 billion MWh worth of natural gas powered factories, emergency power systems, and furnaces, ovens, stoves and hot water heaters in restaurants and homes. Cars, trucks, buses, semi-trailers, tractors, bulldozers and other vehicles consumed the equivalent of another 2 billion MWh.

That’s 7.4 billion megawatt-hours per year that the GND would have to replace! We’d also have to generate another 142 million MWh per year to charge batteries for each week of windless, cloudy days. 

The more we try to do so, the more we’d have to put turbines and panels in low quality wind and solar sites, where they’d generate electricity only 15-20% of the year: 80-85% below “nameplate capacity.”

That means this transformation to an all-electric nation would require millions of onshore wind turbines, thousands of offshore turbines, billions of solar panels, millions of vehicle battery modules, billions of backup energy storage battery modules, thousands of miles of new transmission lines, millions of vehicle charging stations, tens of billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper, plastic, cobalt, rare earth elements and countless other materials – and digging up hundreds of billions of tons of overburden and ores!

Even if the United States and world could somehow mine, process and smelt enough metals and minerals – and manufacture, transport and install all those turbines, panels, batteries and transmission lines – the GND would require the greatest expansion of mining, manufacturing and land use in human history.

With Democrats and Greens still adamantly opposed to mining anywhere in the USA – even though the USA likely has all those metals and minerals literally beneath our feet – America would be dependent on China, Russia and Ukraine for the critical materials that make wind turbines, solar panels and rechargeable batteries possible. US foreign and domestic policies would be held hostage.

Nearly all this mining, processing and manufacturing would require gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal ... in foreign countries ... because those operations cannot be conducted with wind, solar and battery power. Global CO2 and other emissions would increase. Global atmospheric carbon dioxide levels would continue to rise. They would simply come from locations outside the USA.

Moreover, that overseas mining, processing and manufacturing would mostly take place under nearly nonexistent workplace safety, fair wage and child labor laws. The horrors we already see Africa’s Congo region would be minor compared to what would accompany GND demands for cobalt and other materials.

Replacing oil and gas for petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics would require importing those feed stocks or planting millions of acres in canola, soybean and other biofuel crops. The water, fertilizer, pesticide, tractor, harvester, processing and transportation requirements would be astronomical.

The wind, solar, battery and biofuel facilities would impact hundreds of millions of acres of America’s croplands, scenic areas, and plant and animal habitats. Raptors, other birds, bats, and forest, grassland and desert wildlife would suffer substantial losses and even be driven into extinction in many areas.

The GND would also mean ripping out perfectly good natural gas appliances, replacing them with electric models, installing rapid charging systems for vehicles, and upgrading household, neighborhood, state and national electrical systems to handle the extra loads. That would require still more raw materials.

Would Biden AOC & Co. require “responsible sourcing” for all GND materials and components, meaning certified compliance with all US wage, workplace safety, child labor and environmental laws?

Would they require that wind and solar companies go through an extensive, multi-year NEPA environmental review process for every industrial installation and transmission line? Demand compliance with the Endangered Species Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Clean Water Act and other laws that have been strictly enforced for decades for other industrial facilities?

Or will they claim all those turbines, panels, batteries and power lines are needed to “save the planet from imminent climate cataclysms,” and thus must be exempted from wildlife and environmental laws? Will they claim killing birds, bats and other wildlife is “inadvertent” and “unintentional,” and thus should be excused or legalized – exempting even the massive slaughter associated with GND-scale installations?

Families, factories, hospitals, schools and businesses accustomed to paying 7-11¢ per kilowatt-hour for electricity would pay 22¢ per kWh as they already do in “green” US states – or even 35¢ a kWh as families now pay in Germany. Gasoline and natural gas prices would also skyrocket, until the GND banished those fuels. How many businesses would survive? How many jobs would disappear? How many people would have to join the ranks of those who must choose between heating and eating?

When electricity supplies cannot meet demand, or when California-style rolling blackouts hit, who would get cut off first? Politicians who imposed the GND and Deep State bureaucrats who operate it? Big Tech servers? Environmentalist groups and schools whose teacher unions backed the Biden-Harris-AOC Deal? Or innocent hospitals, factories, workers and families? Who would get to make those decisions?

If states or counties are forced to erect wind turbines, solar panels and transmission lines, can they decide to meet their own needs during shortages, before exporting electricity to progressive states and cities? Could they declare themselves fossil fuel sanctuaries and refuse to close mines and power plants?

Who will design and enforce the GND income confiscation and redistribution schemes, in the name of “social, environmental and economic justice” – with much of the redistribution likely going to ruling elites and their corporate and activist allies? Do we really want to further enrich the originators of COVID?

All these issues demand open, robust debate – which too many schools and universities, news and social media outlets, corporate and political leaders, and Antifa mobs continue to censor and cancel. America deserves answers, before November 3, and before any actions are taken on any Green New Deal.

Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books, reports and articles on energy, environmental, climate and human rights issues.



Views: 296


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Comment by Willem Post on November 2, 2020 at 9:31am

Has there been a worse candidate in history than Joe Biden?

When this election is over, the books revealing what went on backstage will be illuminating.

But the truth is there for anyone with eyes to see.

Take Biden’s car rally in Flint, Mich., Saturday, with a star-power assist from Barack Obama.

Awkward barely covers it.

Obama, effortlessly cool, gave a warmup speech to the assembled cars before ramping up to a dramatic introduction: “My friend, the next president of the United States of America: Joe Biden!”

Moments ticked by, but there was no sign of the candidate.

“Joe Biden!” Obama repeated, a little less confidently. But still no show.

Obama tried a third time: “Joe Biden!”

Biden at last emerged from a nearby building and did a pantomime slow jog to the stage.

The worst part came later.

After Biden had shouted his way through a short teleprompter speech, Obama came back onstage, perhaps to escort him off, because Biden did not seem to know where he was.



Comment by Eric A. Tuttle on October 26, 2020 at 9:40am

Reposted and distributed to other non-members with a link back and credit to Willem Post for posting.

Comment by Willem Post on October 26, 2020 at 8:07am

The Democrats are exploiting/scare-mongering COVID for all it is worth.

The Democrats want to pass economy-destroying legislation, such as increased wind and solar that would not significantly reduce CO2, as shown by this URL.

Comment by Donna Amrita Davidge on October 26, 2020 at 6:23am
Has trump done anything to stop them even though he’s against them he says? Do they all just follow the money? What has happened to integrity ?? The whole thing is convoluted and crazy on both sides if you ask me.. tragic..
Comment by Nancy Sosman on October 26, 2020 at 3:32am

WEF logo“A policy paper prepared by Systemiq in collaboration with the World Economic Forum estimates that building the nature-positive economy could represent more than $10 trillion per year by 2030… Resetting the environment should not be seen as a cost, but rather as an investment that will generate economic activity and employment opportunities”. (107)

Given the intertwining of climate and Covid crises set out by Schwab, we might speculate that the original plan was to push through the New Normal reset on the back of the climate crisis.

But evidently, all that publicity for Greta Thunberg and big business-backed Extinction Rebellion did not whip up enough public panic to justify such measures.

Covid-19 serves Schwab’s purposes perfectly, as the immediate urgency it presents allows the whole process to be speeded up and rushed through without due scrutiny.

“This crucial difference between the respective time-horizons of a pandemic and that of climate change and nature loss means that a pandemic risk requires immediate action that will be followed by a rapid result, while climate change and nature loss also require immediate action, but the result (or ‘future reward’, in the jargon of economists) will only follow with a certain time lag”. (108)

For Schwab and his friends, Covid-19 is the great accelerator of everything they have been wanting to foist upon us for years.

Comment by Nancy Sosman on October 26, 2020 at 3:29am
Comment by Willem Post on October 25, 2020 at 3:28pm

This article, written by Dutch scientists, describes the influence of wind energy on the CO₂ output of the fossil-fired generation of electricity in Ireland.

Whereas most available publications on this subject are based on models, the present study makes use of real-time production data.

It is shown, in absence of hydro energy, the CO₂ production of the conventional generators increases with wind energy penetration.

The data show that the reduction of CO₂ emissions of the entire electrical system of Ireland is, at most, a few percent, if gas fired generation is used for balancing a 30% share of wind energy.

That means WIND IS NOT A CO2 REDUCTION SOLUTION, if gas fired power plants do the peaking, filling-in and balancing, as is the case in Ireland and New England.

So why are Massachusetts and Maine wanting to build SUPER-EXPENSIVE OFFSHORE WIND SYSTEMS, after it has been shown ONLY A FEW PERCENT OF CO2 IS REDUCED, SYSTEM-WIDE

REgarding electricity, the wind lovers say, it is "one to one", one kWh of wind displaces one kWh of traditional, which is true.

But regarding CO2, the story is quite different.

12% wind decreases CO2/kWh by 4% for the ENTIRE EIRGRID SYSTEM
28% wind decreases CO2/kWh by 1%
30% wind decreases CO2/kWh by 3%
34% wind decreases CO2/kWh by 6%

Much depends on which gas plants are doing the filling-in, peaking and balancing; some are more efficient than others.

BTW, since that time Ireland has increased-capacity connections with the much larger UK grid and French grid, thanks to EU subsidies.
The disturbances get buried in the noise.
Similar to dilution is the solution for pollution.

France just threatened the UK, no more supply from France when wind is low, unless the UK yields fishing rights.

Comment by Willem Post on October 25, 2020 at 12:28pm



Hunter Biden and his long-time partner Devon Archer were using “the Big Guy”, meaning VP Joe Biden, for influence peddling in Ukraine, Russia, China,  and Kazakhstan, etc., while Joe Biden was the point man, appointed by Obama.


Here is a photo of Joe and Hunter Biden meeting “business partners”.

Are we to assume Obama, a very smart person, knew nothing of those shenanigans?


According to THOUSANDS of Hunter's emails on the hard-drive, he had to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., Joe Biden was an active participant and beneficiary of Hunter's shenanigans.

Hunter Biden complains in one email he has to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., VP Joe Biden.

Crime boss Joe Biden keeps repeating: “My son did nothing wrong”


Hunter had a seat on the board of Burisma, a major gas trading company in Ukraine, at $50,000 PER MONTH, FOR FIVE YEARS (2014 – 2019).

Hunter had zero experience in the energy sector. His usefulness to corrupt Burisma was being close to “the Big Guy”


Here is a video of Joe Biden bragging about pressuring Poroshenko, president of Ukraine, to fire the Victor Shokin, Ukraine prosecutor, who was investigating corrupt Burisma, as otherwise Ukraine would not get $1 billion in aid.

At one point, Joe Biden says, if you think I am kidding, call Obama. Poroshenko fired the prosecutor and got his $1 billion.


It was Shokin’s job to track down the $millions upon $millions stolen from the Ukrainians by people like Burisma owner Zlochevsky, who in his capacity as Minister of Natural Resources under the old guard, managed to get special “concessions” for his company.


The owner of Burisma was in exile to escape those very corruption charges.


There are many photos with Hunter and Joe Biden grinning and smirking, with Obama, in a knowing fashion. Obama may have been a “beneficiary” as well.


Hunter gave up the Burisma job in 2019, after “the Big Guy” decided to run for President


Similar shenanigans went on in Russia, and China, which netted the Biden clan, and Associates, tens of $millions EACH YEAR.


China has “the Big Guy” in its pocket.

US factory workers will get no relief from being screwed-over by China, because China will blackmail the significantly compromised Biden.


Comment by Willem Post on October 25, 2020 at 12:27pm



If you ever wondered what “say anything” looks like in a political campaign, look no further than this video that featured presidential and vice-presidential candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. To me, they look like Janus. As the god of transitions and dualities, Janus is portrayed with two faces—one facing the past, and one facing the future. 

Make no mistake about it, they’d shut down the country to solve “climate change” while telling you they won’t.

But they have been caught, in the past, Harris said during the VP debate:

Kamala Harris: “Joe Biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact


Pence claimed that a Biden administration would “abolish fossil fuels,” “ban fracking” and implement the Green New Deal.


Harris: “Joe Biden will not end fracking. He has been very clear about that,” 


Harris also denied that Biden supports the Green New Deal, while attacking the Trump administration’s record on climate change and claiming “they don’t believe in science.”


Biden/Harris are liars all around.


Here is a URL with a video showing Biden and Harris were repeatedly lying about fracking and shutting down the oil and gas industry., a la GWSA


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

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Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

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Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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