As Germany’s Green Dream Becomes a Nightmare, Asia and Russia Power Ahead With Nuclear Power

Asia goes nuclear while Europe goes bust

By P Gosselin on 13. February 2022

By Fred F. Mueller

During the past few decades, a quiet but all the more important divergence has begun to evolve between Asia and Europe: their respective attitudes towards climate change and nuclear energy. In their crusade against what they perceive as a looming climate catastrophe, most European nations are focusing on reducing carbon emissions.


Among them, Germany has taken the lead. Its first step was to scrap its fleet of nuclear power stations. Coal-fired plants are being decommissioned one after another even before the nuclear decommissioning is completed. The ultimate goal is a net-zero society, exclusively powered by renewables, mainly solar and wind.


It’s a green’s dream that is slowly morphing into a nightmare for ordinary people.


Asian countries barrel ahead with nuclear power


In stark contrast, the far more pragmatic Asian countries have preferred to pay lip service and care about their people.

Instead of fatally crippling their energy infrastructure, they are increasingly opting for nuclear power.


Clear leader Russia takes the lead


More and more nations have already installed, or are on the brink of installing nuclear power stations. In this field, Russia has clearly taken the lead, followed by China, South Korea and Japan. These four nations have mastered and developed native nuclear technologies of their own and are now exporting them.


Among them, two behemoths stand out:


Russia as the clear world leader in the field of exporting nuclear power generating plants

China, a rather new kid on the block, but with a high potential to quickly evolve as another key player in this field.



Figure 1. Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov is the first floating nuclear power plant. It is equipped with two small modular reactors of 40 MW (Photo: Elena Dider 1), Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International)




With respect to nuclear high-tech, Russia has three decisive advantages:


1) It does not fall for the CO2 climate hoax of the big cats in the US financial industry 


2), As one of the earliest and biggest player in the field of nuclear power and arms technology, it has a large nuclear industry. This industry masters all stages of the nuclear cycle such as mining, enrichment and fuel processing, engineering, machine building and power generation equipment, and nuclear services, maintenance, fuel reprocessing and a closed fuel cycle.


Another aspect is the vast nation has an incredible wealth of mineral and natural resources of all types, including some of the world’s largest reserves of fossil fuels. Russia is thus a first-tier energy and resources giant, and it has systematically used these advantages to carve out a leading role when it comes to energy exports, including the export of nuclear power installations.

Russia’s energy riches and technological prowess

Let’s first look at Russia’s energy assets as detailed in an International Atomic Energy Associaton (IAEA) report3), updated to 2021:



Figure 2. Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) in the Russian Federation. In total, 38 reactors with an installed capacity of 30.3 GW are operated at 11 NPPs in the Russian Federation (Graphic: IAEA 3)


Currently, Russia is operating 38 reactors at 11 nuclear power plants, which contribute 20.7% to the production of electric power. The biggest contributor is natural gas, but the country prefers to sell it abroad, where it fetches much higher prices.


The latest Federal Target Program thus envisages a 25–30% nuclear share in electricity supply by 2030; 45–50% by 2050; and 70–80% by the end of the century.


The reactors in service range from older Soviet-era models, through state-of-the-art Gen. III models, and to advanced designs such as fast reactors, such as the BN 600-800-1200 series. A next generation of fast reactors, cooled by sodium and lead-bismuth, is on the drawing boards.


The list is complemented by small modular reactors, SMAs, such as those in the floating power plant “Akademik Lomonosov”.


Design lifetime for new reactor models is generally 60 years.


A supply of well-trained human resources is secured by training centers and technical colleges, with a yearly throughput of 18,000 technicians and academics.



Figure 3. Former concept of the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant II with two VVER-1200/392M as AES-2006 (Graphic: Rosenergoatom, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license)


Impressive array of expertise, technologies and services


- The country’s nuclear industry offers a level of skills, technologies and services hard to match by other countries. Service prices are in the lower range.

- In a survey assembled by the World Nuclear Association 4), turnkey prices for nuclear plants are from 2050 to 2450 $/kW.

- Construction periods are about 54 months

- A nuclear plant with a BN 1200 fast reactor produces electricity at about 2.23 c/kWh

- Export reactors of the VVER type produce electricity at 5 to 6 c/kWh, in most countries


The Russian one-stop-shop, full-service packages, from cradle to grave, are very attractive, especially for emerging and third world countries.

Even take-back and disposal of spent nuclear fuel are taken care of.

Risks are minimized, because all projects meet or exceed modern international requirements and IAEA recommendations.


Compare this to the deplorable state of the industry in the Western world, where the likes of Siemens, Areva or Westinghouse grapple with frightening delays and cost overruns. No wonder the State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom) holds first place in terms of the number of simultaneously implemented nuclear reactor construction projects (35 units abroad at various implementation stages).

In 2020, Rosatom’s  foreign orders exceeded US$138 billion.



Figure 4. On January 1, 2022, the third Hualong One (HPR 1000) with a capacity of 1161 MW was connected to the grid as unit 6 of the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) (Photo: CNNC) 


Emerging China


The next best competitor is China, which started much later, and still has not the same wealth of experience and technology bandwidth. Notwithstanding these shortcomings, China has demonstrated astonishing prowess in its learning curve, and has developed and brought on stream, a variety of modern reactor designs, such as the Gen. III pressurized water reactor plant in Hualong.


After receiving a first order from Pakistan, China has just succeeded at convincing Argentina to opt for this model too. And further interesting developments include the first commercially active high-temperature gas-cooled “pebble b... 5), and a small modular reactor.


Given the impressive track record of Chinese machinery and construction deliveries in many countries around the globe, it gain a solid foothold in the world’s nuclear sector



Figure 5. Contrast program: In its quest to save the world from CO2, Germany is shutting down its last nuclear reactors and intends to erect many thousand wind energy plants instead (Photo: Gudrun Ponta)


Massive nuclear market on a world-wide scale


Western countries, including the US, will find out that their policy of obstructing the natural resources sector, including the fossil fuel industry, with their “leave it in the ground” policy with prove to be an expensive cul-de-sac


Third world and developing countries desperately need cheap, reliable energy supplies to boost their economies, create jobs and feed their growing populations.

The “net zero” campaign of strangling fossil fuel producers, by cutting off their financing, has led to dramatic increases of energy and raw material prices.

The current levels likely will continue in the near future, forcing politicians worldwide to rework their energy supply strategies.


Bright nuclear future for Russia and China


“Renewable” sources, such as wind and solar, are no alternative for countries in need of reliable und steady electricity supplies.

The consequence will be a boom in demand for nuclear energy.

Thanks to the Greens and the Gretas of our times, Russia and China are in an ideal position to be of service to the world.


Demand for their services will be so large, only countries with a big, well-oiled industry base, sufficient financing power, and a well-organized supply of human resources, will be able to participate


For people not believing in this scenario, a look at France might be enlightening.

Despite already having 56 nuclear power plants, president Macron has ordered the construction of up to 14 additional ones.

With some 65 million inhabitants, France has slightly less than one percent of the world’s population.

Scaling this figure up on a world-wide scale delivers a market potential of about 1,500 nuclear power plants over the next 28 years.



Figure 6. After a long decline, the relative share prices of a bundled selection of Canadian uranium mining companies have suddenly taken off since March 2020 (Graphic: Private)

Smart money shifting to uranium miners?


In view of these developments, and factoring in the current political tensions around Russia and Ukraine, one might wonder why Russia should be impressed by sanctions directed at its gas pipelines to Europe such as North Stream2.


While there are lots of competitors in the oil and gas market, no European country will be able to match the Russia and China in the world nuclear sector.

Russia likely would survive losing the European gas market, and focus on selling nuclear technology, but Europe, without Russian gas, would be struggling


The prospects of a renaissance of nuclear power seem to have already attracted the attention of smart-money investors growing tired of technology stocks, such as Tesla or Facebook.


In this context, it is interesting to note that the combined relative valuation of a bundle of Canadian uranium mining stocks has, shown a marked upward trend since March/ April 2020, after an initial long-term decline, see Figure 6.






Views: 347


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Comment by Willem Post on February 25, 2022 at 6:26am

It would be better to allocate resources to become much more energy and resource efficient, and as a result use less energy and resources, and as a result have less CO2 emissions and other emissions relating to energy and digging up resources.

However, certain folks in the US government are not so interested in the environment.

Russia-hating, extremists in the US State Department and US Congress have been using NATO to pressure first the USSR, then Russia.
They have been deluding impoverished, corrupt Ukraine with future membership in the EU and NATO, since 1990
They have been weaponizing Ukraine since the US-instigated Color Revolution/coup d’etat in 2014
Millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, mostly in East Ukraine, decided not to support the Kiev government.
The US instigated Ukraine not to implement the Minsk 2 agreements, to keep the pot boiling
The US and UK supplied huge quantities of defensive and offensive weapons, plus military training personnel to Ukraine, so it could “defend itself”
Russia made certain demands regarding:
1) NATO encroachments beyond East Germany starting in 1997 (after pledging not to do so in 1990)
2) The indivisibility of Russian and European security.
The US/UK-led NATO rejected the demands, and offered to talk about important, albeit peripheral issues.
Ukraine hot-heads floated the idea of Ukraine having an “Iron Dome” similar to Israel, and reacquiring nuclear weapons
Russia finally reacted. The result is a shooting war in Ukraine.
The EU is partially at fault, as it did not assert itself regarding the Kiev coup d’etat in 2014
The EU decided to become an aider and abettor of US policy goals regarding Ukraine in 2014, and onwards
The EU ended up being maneuvered into its present predicament, which is at variance with EU vital interests.


Comment by Paul Ackerman on February 17, 2022 at 7:39am

Willem--thanks ,and I will suggest he reach out to you. 

Comment by Willem Post on February 17, 2022 at 6:27am


Of course, I will talk with him

I will not list my personal info

I live in Woodstock, VT

I am in the phone book

He can reach me

Comment by Paul Ackerman on February 17, 2022 at 1:47am


Ed Thelander is NOT a politician in any way shape or form. Having talked with him for 3 hrs+ I think he could benefit from the deep knowledge of someone like you re:the engineering side of power systems and the fakery being pushed by pols like Pingree.

It is hard to present a succinct position in opposition to Pingree et all if you do not know the nuts and bolts of why and how their fantasy cannot work economically for Maine.

21 years in the SEAL teams doesn't create a cookie cutter plastic politician --- and he is trying to get voted in just to get rid of the swamp creatures like Pingree 

He definitely is not a RINO like Collins. If people on our side of the coin won't provide real world advice and knowledge to those who allow their lives to get trashed by the media in order to run for office just to try and fix the swamp system for good, then we surely will only get the crappy corrupt government we have now.

Comment by Willem Post on February 16, 2022 at 9:00pm


Ed, etc., will listen in good humor, and then decide to go with the flow, I.e., support the party platform.

It absolutely no use to talk to these people.THEY HAVE TO BE VOTED OUT

Comment by Paul Ackerman on February 16, 2022 at 7:04pm

sorry --here is the link to the Australian Cosmos article -- they are so happy.

Oil companies’ climate promises are nothing but hot air" alt="GettyImages 1323190392 1" border="0" class="CToWUd a6T"/>
In an increasingly climate-aware world, oil companies know that they are staring down an uncertain future. The urgency of sweeping industry change has finally reached the boardrooms of these energy giants, and under mounting pressure they have universally pledged to reform practices and take the first steps towards a clean energy future. But these promises […]
Comment by Paul Ackerman on February 16, 2022 at 7:03pm

Here is how gleeful the crazy leftists are in Australia -- I keep saying this,just stop selling anyone who espouses this nonsense ANY electricity or fuel,cut off their city water (needs electricity to pressurize the mains) and natural gas lines to them. 

Then they can truly experience the "green life" .

Here is how nutso these people are down under.

Paul Ackerman 

PS-- I'd like to ask Willem Post and LynOleum if they'd be willing to talk/correspond with Ed Thelander (running for Congress against Chellie Pingree) to provide him with some deep background on industrial wind and solar power fantasies being pushed in Maine, and what the better alternatives should be. Would you be willing ? 

I met with him yesterday and we discussed a variety of issues critical to Maine people , and the connection between the economy and energy costs in Maine were right up there with "most important to address".

Comment by Monique Aniel Thurston on February 16, 2022 at 6:58pm

And so does Macron !

when you see a globalist pushing for nuclear power , you know he got the message regarding the failure of wind and solar ..and an election in coming up in April !

Comment by arthur qwenk on February 16, 2022 at 5:30pm

Dense Power has , and always Will Rule the energy arena.


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

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We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

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Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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