Brad Blake
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  • Cape Elizabeth, ME
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Dan McKay commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"NRCM has a credibility issue. Claiming to be against fossil fuel while standing with fossil fuel plant owners.  Maine wins twice, with NECEC and the natural gas-fired plant comeback in Maine. The trifecta would be the purchasing of…"
Apr 20, 2023
Willem Post commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"Transmission lines typically are about 60% loaded This line will be used for counteracting the ups and downs of wind output. During high demands, or snow storms, or low winds, etc., Quebec may decide to first serve its own customers, before serving…"
Apr 20, 2023
Richard McDonald/Saving Maine commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"The defeat of the referendum was preordained once the MESC sent it to Judge Murphy for a final ruling. Instead of making a ruling based upon the law, Judge Murphy abdicated her judicial responsibilities and put it up for trial in Cumberland Co. This…"
Apr 20, 2023
arthur qwenk commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"F..K NRCM and the  other lefty lunatic NGOs in Maine! Send them to Florida, "Where Woke Goes to Die"!"
Apr 20, 2023
arthur qwenk commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"NECEC is DC line, not alternating current AC line as needed by wind turbines. This adds much added expense to utilize it by any  wind project.   “Working on a DC transmission line is an exciting challenge for the engineers who help…"
Apr 20, 2023
Brad Blake commented on Brad Blake's blog post NECEC Wins in Court!
"Of course the NRCM had to say "called out the King Pine wind project being proposed for Aroostook County, which would deliver power into the New England grid via a new transmission line along a yet-to-be-determined route. The NRCM said that…"
Apr 20, 2023
Brad Blake posted a blog post

NECEC Wins in Court!

Great news in Maine! Common sense prevailed in a UNANIMOUS court decision in favor of the New England Energy Connect (NECEC) line. A decision based on FACTS, not green ideology! This line would be delivering 1200 MW of hydroelectricity 24/7/365 to the ISO New England grid already if asinine opposition based on misinformation, outright lies and hatred of CMP hadn't thrown numerous roadblocks at a project that had played by the regulatory rules and earned all of the necessary permits. Now the…See More
Apr 20, 2023
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post $100M biorefinery proposal at former Lincoln paper mill site advances with lease agreement
"This will be a great employment development for an economically distressed region if it succeeds.  I am wary of their projections of large future growth.  Hundreds of Lincoln Lakes region people drive up to an hour for jobs in Bangor, so…"
Mar 27, 2023
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine wind training program is struggling to attract students
"How ironic that we were fed the lie that these projects were going to swamp the state with good paying jobs and now they can't find anyone to train for the few jobs that are actually available. I shed no tears! Maybe they should pass out flyers…"
Sep 23, 2022
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine set ambitious goals for wind power 15 years ago. Why has it come up short?
""I think it's a combination of three factors. The primary one is lack of site suitability," said Kurt Adams, the CEO of Summit Utilities, and a former PUC chair and wind power executive. Ya think?!!! The NREL map for Maine was…"
Apr 13, 2022
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine set ambitious goals for wind power 15 years ago. Why has it come up short?
"The left leaning media in Maine (with the notable exception of the Ellsworth American) have been complicit with the wind industry ever since the passage of the "Wind Energy Act" giveaway to the undeserving industry in 2007. No more so than…"
Apr 13, 2022
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine EUT member Rep. Steven Foster: ENERGY FACTS
"Ms. Sosman - CMP and Janet Mills’ brother(s) had nothing to do with Friends of Maine's Mountains. Moreover, it wasn't phony; it was for ten years a legitimate registered Maine 501c3 not for profit. It was the only statewide…"
Oct 28, 2021
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post Maine Audubon Windies - There You Go Again
"So wrong in so many ways!  Had the state adhered to NREL mapping to begin with, the heinous "Wind Energy Act" (PL 661) never would have been imposed on the state.  Now we have hundreds of poorly performing wind turbines and there…"
Apr 13, 2020
Sandy Wolfe commented on Brad Blake's blog post Robert Bryce Assails the Wind Industry Greed
"Great article. Painful though. The Australian solution to the wind projects' failure? spend billions for natural gas generators. Then they can pretend the electricity was from those intermittent wind units. Well, AWEA, that is certainly how it…"
Mar 29, 2020
Brad Blake posted a blog post

Robert Bryce Assails the Wind Industry Greed

Robert Bryce has been on the forefront of criticism of the heinous wind industry scam.  It was galling to see the wind industry put pressure on getting an extension of their heinous Production Tax Credit into the Covid-19 bill this week. Please read this insightful article by Robert Bryce.…See More
Mar 29, 2020
Brad Blake commented on Long Islander's blog post List of so called environmental groups requesting Congress aid wind developers
"Pigs at the trough as usual!"
Mar 29, 2020

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Brad Blake's Blog

NECEC Wins in Court!

Great news in Maine! Common sense prevailed in a UNANIMOUS court decision in favor of the New England Energy Connect (NECEC) line. A decision based on FACTS, not green ideology! This line would be delivering 1200 MW of hydroelectricity 24/7/365 to the ISO New England grid already if asinine opposition based on misinformation, outright lies and hatred of CMP hadn't thrown numerous roadblocks at a project that had played by the regulatory rules and earned all of the necessary…


Posted on April 20, 2023 at 2:15pm — 6 Comments

Robert Bryce Assails the Wind Industry Greed

Robert Bryce has been on the forefront of criticism of the heinous wind industry scam.  It was galling to see the wind industry put pressure on getting an extension of their heinous Production Tax Credit into the Covid-19 bill this week.

Please read this insightful article by Robert Bryce.…


Posted on March 29, 2020 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

DEP Rules Rumford Whitecap is NOT a Scenic Resource of State or National Significance!

Every Wind Warrior must be OUTRAGED by the action of DEP staff to kowtow to RoxWind attorney Juliet Browne's interpretation that Rumford Whitecap, a Mahoosuc Land Trust Preserve is NOT a Scenic Resource of State or National Significance, in spite of the fact that taxpayer money, including $235,000. from the Land for Maine's Future Fund (from bond issues), was used to secure the summit of this jewel of the Mahoosucs for public enjoyment.



Posted on January 5, 2019 at 3:26pm — 6 Comments

Greenwood Wins Vote on Ordinance!

This was just received late Monday evening via Face Book Messenger from anti-wind activist Norman Milliard of Greenwood regarding the vote to adopt a restrictive wind ordinance for the Western Mountains Region town.  Calpine was planning a massive project on 3 mountain peaks to the south of Mt. Abram Ski Resort.

"Vote tally: 206 YES. 41 NO. Very loud celebration after the tally was announced. We await their next move."

Posted on August 6, 2018 at 11:20pm — 7 Comments

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 11:05am on March 16, 2016, rick wood said…

Hi Brad,

Just wanted to update you on Passadumkeag Mountain.

Rumor has it that the turbines will not turn.

I believe they were finished in December and they have not been able to get them working. Supposedly some of the parts were made by a scandinavian company. So much for american jobs huh.

I heard they sent a specialist to try and fix them. Evidently some of the parts don't mesh or inter lock correctly.

Also heard that they were told recently to put red signal warning lights on the towers by the FAA which they are doing but it looks like the red lights are mounted on the turbine itself which is way lower than the tip of the blades if they were turning.

Hope they have plenty of money in the tear down fund.


At 10:17am on March 12, 2014, Willem Post said…
Do you have the updated spreadsheet for wind energy production in Maine for each quarter and the entire 2013.

Please send it to me to better make my arguments.

Below are my latest two articles for your information.
At 8:29am on August 31, 2013, alice mckay barnett said…

I have no contacts in my e-mail account. (go figure)...can you please issue a comment to the windtaskforce people to comment to BEP on noise issues on saddleback ridge remand.   All the applications have the same noise protocol.

simple to read.....get the enforcement out of the hands of the developer.


Supreme court judges will be reading BEP comments if we can raise the money.

At 10:28am on September 8, 2012, Long Islander said…

Welcome Valerie. Yours is an enchantingly beautiful NEK of the woods.

Wind resistance in Frankfort, ME chased the Eolian trustafarian spoiled preppie subsidy leeches out of town. Send them back to mummy and dada.

At 9:01am on September 8, 2012, Valerie Desmarais said…

Thanks for the warm welcome Brad! I have heart in both places: born here in NEK,  my family moved to Harmony when I was a at UMF where I fell in  love w/the western mountains,city stint in Portland and the midcoast, but eventually back "home" to the forests and hills of The Kingdom. It is beyond criminal and boggles the thinking mind to witness the depravity and greed of the wind devils. We are fighting the fight here; I am sure that you are aware of the eolian project. We have an ardent and thoughful group that has organized in response...check out NNU Blog...Newark Neighbors United...We Will Prevail!

At 7:55am on August 9, 2012, Jim Lutz said…

Thank you Mr. Blake (Brad).  I'm Jim.  I am happy to become an advocate and if you need me to write anything, let me know.  I have been busy answering the lies and distortions the Wind Shills have been putting in the various papers around New England. 

Thanks again for the complement.


At 12:58pm on October 28, 2011, Debbie Moore said…


       I did have alot more to say at the public hearing.  Actually I did not say that noise was used for torture.  I said things like noise and sleep deprivation were among things that the European Court of Human Rights considered "inhuman and degrading treatment" and was not to be used in interrogation. Also strobe lights and low frequency sound have been used as well.  It is against the law for Governments to use some of these techniques on prisoners, but somehow wind companies are allowed to inflict these things on innocent people in their own homes.  I think this should become a human rights issue and we should start getting some human rights organizations involved.

       We appreciate all that you and others do to try and protect homes, families, land owners and the land itself from this terrible destruction and harm from wind turbines and their promoters.

                                     Thank-you,  Debbie Moore

At 3:11pm on October 20, 2011, Michael k Ronan said…
Right on Brad I been an advocate against wind power for a long time and every opportunity will speak against. Our state heritage is hunting and fishing and promotes Vationland on our license plates but here we are giving away our tax dollar to rich people to put up wind mills. Giving away Maines hunting and fishing heritage! I'll take every opportunity to convince others it's not what we should do for Maine just export power to other states. 
At 6:28am on September 21, 2011, matt elliot said…

You can see it all from my house Rolly,   My Better half and i sit on the Swing on the back porch and look at it all in disgust,     I never thought i'd live to see the time that i would witness the giant footstep of so called progress such as that, This close to my home of 50 sum odd yrs.      Back in the early 60's i saw them put in the Bubble     could see them doing it through the trees.   But  was kind of neat   and that didn't bother as much as seeing those big Giant Alien Monsters standing quietly on the ridge line stareing down onto the valley like they were massing for some sort of attach.

     Quietly surveying the other windy mountain tops hopeing, that they someday will be joined by others  .


             There are Eagles that fly around that mountain/hill.     I've seen them,   I use to love to put my boat in the pond and fish,   or just hang out and enjoy the surroundings ..   Watch the Eagle pick up fish that i've thrown back    and lug them off to a pine tree on the big island.    It's a beautiful bird. i sure hope   it don't meet her demise on those towers like pictures i've seen in the past.

        I'm sorry if i'm rambeling on here i'm so sorry that i have only just recently found this site,  And i sure wish i had been more active in the movement.     I will however do what i can to try and keep them from coming to Andover.    Bad enough we have to look at them in Roxbury.

       Again  sorry for the rant,  hope you all have a great day and   New Members glad your all aboard.  take care   Matt.

At 9:26pm on September 20, 2011, Rolly Perry said…



I am not a hiker, but thanks! I know the pictures from Record Hill all too well. I climb in the area and have seen them in person. The pictures do NOT show the full force of what is going on. When you go Whitecap (assuming you're going via route #5) go across Andover to Roxbury and to route #17. Head South when you take the Crossover road by the post office. Go down Frye stretch until it almost comes together with the river and where the road curves to the right. Get out and look back! Watch for traffic. Then head North on route #17 headed towards Rangeley. As you go you will go past a cemetery on the right, then up a little ehill. At the bottom of the hill is Birch Pond/Brook Road (I forget if it's brook or pond). It is the only right before Roxbury Village and it is dirt.  Go up it until you get to the first clearing and look abck. Then come down and get ready for an eye full. Go to the bridge (past the clearing and the only way), which is straight then curve to the left. You will come to a second clearing and then a kind of gully. the bridge is not far. Most SUV's & trucks should make it. You may need to carpool, but it Is worth the trip. When you come from Whitecap you will head East (right turn) and go past THE Andover Satellite Station. Gottta go look at that... Then you will go right continuing East past Gallants Furniture up the hill. The opposite way from the pond (Roxbury Pond). When you go through the section and before the little bog and sand pit, you WILL see the Record Hill Access Road. They may let you in if you ask politely. Don;t give away what you're cause is. Say something you do a blog on wind and would like more info on it. That is the truth... That has to be where the ground level up close pictures were taken from. If you can't get in, there is another way. Go down through the Notches heading East on route #120 until it becomes flat. Once flat you will see the Crossover Road (Frye Crossover I believe - know it so I never check), take it. Take THE left (North) on the crossover road. That is The Bunker Pond Road. It is in good shape. Drive about 3 miles and you WILL see the new power line. It is right where the old one is. You can hike up it. It's pretty steep and may be like Whitecap. I hiked it with the dog in the heat and it took quite a while just to get o the level section. It was a Saturday and there was someone working in the woods. I am sure if you bushwhacked a bit you could get around the people working and close to the substation/bases and or turbines. You could get some bearings from the Birch Brook Road... These places and my walks/hike with the dog every week so no need for me to go to Whitecap to see a turbine... As of today they 7th tower was completed to the top with blades on and the 8th one had the first 2 sections up. there are 3 more bases completed. The smaller crane is working on the 4th (in addition) base as of today also. The ones that have been completed and both spinning and rotating. The spinning is clockwise and they do move towards the wind (guessing) from what I've seen. The speed is slow. If they are planning on getting power from such a slow speed, they must have some incredibly efficient generators. I do no have any idea. The towers to the hub are set to be 262' according he Record Hill website and the blades look like they are about 3/4 of the length of the 3 sections plus base towers. It's tough to tell, because they are possibly hidden by the tree line. That makes them 400' or so. Just a guess on my part as I don't go close enough to tell.



Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

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Sign up today and lend your voice and presence to the steadily rising tide that will soon sweep the scourge of useless and wretched turbines from our beloved Maine countryside. For many of us, our little pieces of paradise have been hard won. Did the carpetbaggers think they could simply steal them from us?

We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

Task Force membership is free. Please sign up today!

Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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