alice mckay barnett


Dixfield, ME

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Bessey Pease

    Red Ribbon
  • Alexander Polk

    I have talked to JIm about coming up to speak on March 10 and we are set to come up. We were both very eager to jump on the opportunity as soon as you posted your comment to my oped. I plan on meeting with Jim this week. I know he is very much aware of the Saddleback project but I am going to catch up on it this weekend. Is there a time I could call you next week to discuss this a little further? Thank you for your invitation and interest.

    Alex Polk
  • Alexander Polk

    Good Morning Mrs. McKay. There is a change in plans and it looks like I'll be coming up on the 10th without Mr. LaBrecque. He and I are getting together this week to prepare some material. Before we do I'd like to know a few things. First off, what is the day going to consist of? Is it a closed door meeting with the DEP and Commissioner Brown like my last meeting at UMO or is it in an open area to the public? I'd also like to know my time frame for speaking? Would you like me to speak for half an hour or 4-5 minutes? I can prepare a slide show, handouts, packets, or whatever you would like. Is there a website you can give me with an overview of the meeting?

    I'm a little bit nervous about this and want to make sure I make a good impression on the Task Force by giving the best possible demonstration to the DEP. Thank you so much for your time, ma'am. Have a great weekend.

    Alex Polk
  • Hart Daley

    Thank you for the invitation. Allison and I will be there and possibly some of my kids.

  • Rolly Perry

    4000 feet within the affected (sound wise) zone. Going to be within 2000 feet of buildings at Spruce Mountain. I haven't been to the den since the time I got a ride. If anyone has been there it may have been Leo, but I was not with him. He doesn't  climb with me anymore. Nor any of his "crew." Bemis Road good place for climb, but better for ROCKS... Woo hoo!
  • Rolly Perry

    I know Record Hill reports site. That is where the pictures came from. ;-) As far as hiking, I am not really a hiker. I may go and climb Bull Rock or something on the way. Saddleback isn't that the highest one on the Dixfield side?
  • Rolly Perry

    I don't recall any springs up at Devil's Den... It does go down once you get thre - the backside. I didn't go there. Buy actually you're just folling yourself in the hopes they WON'T Come No offense. If you find springs, they will find a way around them. They are going to be on top of Shagg Pond and within 2000 feet of some camps on Concord Pond. The DEP sent me their permit Patriot Renewables and there is really nothing in it about any kind of natural locale. There are observances they must follow, but anyone who has been in the woods at all could work within the scope of them. The ONLY way for them NOT to be builty is for the people "we the people," to VOTE them out. Selectmen take notice of almost the entir ton uniting against somehting like wind power. TOO many people are BLIND and they somehow "think," that wind will somehow provide either savings or jobs. Neither of which is true in the end. Both are a net loss.
  • Rolly Perry

    I'm on your side. It's just that we (you I) would love o see wind stopped. So they see it is a problem. Don't take it personally... What I'm saying is there is almost nothing YOU (anti wind) can do to stop the BIG developers. They "talk," to towns and leave out ALL the negative issues. Then when people find out they can't get everyone and BIG wind has made it sound so "good," they just glaze over when you (anti wind) tries to educate them. Roland Patneaud (the mechanic) thinks wind is good. He said he knows they re getting $1.56 in subsidiaries. His reply, "I'd rather see it going to them." He lives in Roxbury. How are you going to overcome that kind of logic (biologic) when trying to educate others? That is why it is your problem. Good luck overcoming people who glaze over when you tell them THE facts. Elizabeth Maddeus Attorney is a friend of mine, lives on Weld Street, thinks wind is good. She is an "environmentalist," too. To me so called "Environmentalists," go off half cocked and don't really know. Just acting out on some ideological ideal. NOT willing to "see," the truth. Al Gore and his following are of that vein. In the late 1960's and early 1970's the main though of scientists about "global warming," was actually "global cooling." Al knew/knows this. Yet sometime in the early 1970's he came out with "global warming," knowing the common idea was cooling. It took him a while to get enough backing to get his "platform," through, but he did. His wife, Tipper, was the head of the PMRC. You know the "group," that wanted to BAN illicit lyrics on records and ended up getting the warning label on them.
  • Sally McGuire

    Hi Alice- thanks, and the same back to you...  People DO win these battles, for instance in my town in AK (where I live when not here) there was a huge multinational company that wanted to build a giant mine that would have taken the top off an entire mountain called Windy Craggy.  They didn't, and that was 20 years ago and they haven't come back.    And the Pebble Mine just took a big  hit too. --- I see that Maine's legislators are coming around.....   Sally
  • freemont tibbetts

        Alice,  Phyllis, my wife of 64 years is going to be at my side on this one, and Dan if he is up to it. This could be my last petition. I am a proud old man to be fighting with you all over the state against the Big Wind Power Scam in This Great State of Maine. I am all set on this one Alice, thanks for the offer.    Freemont.   

  • Michael Ross

    I wouldn't see any on Bowers, but I'll be staring 20, 30, 40 (?) in the face if Greenland Ridge (Cianbro) goes down.  We are organizing through a new organization called Keep It Grand ... see

    Thanks for connecting and stay in touch.


  • Donna McInnis

    Hello Alice... I have a camp on Mattawamkeag Lake and very long history in Island Falls... I have been living and working in Japan for 22 years.

  • Arthur

    In answer to your question . . .

    IMO "Grid Scale Wind" is at best unreliable, unrealistic, untrue, and most importantly unAFFORDABLE.