The Maine Labor Climate Council

When someone uses the word "planet" in a sentence, is it because they watched too much Star Trek or too much Al Gore?

"The petition delivered by a member of the Maine Labor Climate Council was signed by over 100 residents voicing support for wind power."

The Maine Labor Climate Council

Advancing an ambitious, pro-worker agenda to combat climate change and reverse economic inequality

We are a coalition of Maine labor unions representing working Mainers across our state. We seek to develop the labor movement’s vision for how to tackle the twin crises of climate change and inequality in a way that creates good Maine union jobs, reduces carbon emissions and economic inequality, and provides a seat at the table for workers and unions in this process. By educating fellow workers, building alliances, and advocating for policy solutions our work shows that we do not have to choose between a healthy planet and good jobs that sustain our families and communities.

  • Willem Post

    A self-serving motherhood statement likely from people who want to ride the subsidy gravy train

    Ruining pristine Sears Island is ok with them, just another casualty to reach $Nirvana$

  • Thinklike A. Mountain

    Mainstream Fear Of A Trump Second Term
    The following are Marxist republic-ending events:
    - the invasion at the southern border and the "administration" denying there is a real problem, telling us illegal aliens are great
    - spiraling inflation, largely a function of our currency being devalued due to the national debt
    - national debt headed to $50 trillion in 6 years (per Congressional Budget Office)
    - the unprecedented attack by Marxist-installed courts on the leading candidate for president by the current president, "President Biden", who was not elected but rather illegally installed
    - the mainstream media ignoring or denying or lying about anything negative about the criminals in the White House while at the same time broadcasting every lie about President Trump

    Start watching at about the35 minute mark if you are pressed for time.

  • Dan McKay

    Very short sighted lobbying coalition pandering for the other short sighted climate fear mongering bunch that control the stolen money from the ratepayers and taxpayers of Maine.