This fraudulent industry has voluntary regulations. With these voluntary regulations this fraudulent industry has reported very little of its eagle mortality. Yet since 1997 and including 2014 numbers about 31,000 eagle carcasses have been shipped to the Denver Repository. In a hidden FWS document now in my possession it was reported that wind turbines were one of the primary sources of these eagle carcasses.
An update on North America's eagle slaughter by wind turbines
by Jim Wiegand
Nov 28, 2014
This fraudulent industry has voluntary regulations. With these voluntary regulations this fraudulent industry has reported very little of its eagle mortality. Yet since 1997 and including 2014 numbers about 31,000 eagle carcasses have been shipped to the Denver Repository. In a hidden FWS document now in my possession it was reported that wind turbines were one of the primary sources of these eagle carcasses.