Robert Epstein: Who Gave Private Big Tech Companies the Power to Decide What We Can See?

What is really going on here with this coordinated thief-in-the-night attack on a particular website and its founder, Alex Jones? Could it be that Infowars was "right over the target" in some of what they were getting out there? I don't know. What I do know is that if today it's Alex Jones, tomorrow it's someone else. The next day it's you and me. This is not at all simply about This is uncharted territory. It's digital book burning. It's not the America our founders founded.

“That is the key issue here. Who gave this power to these companies? And the answer is, nobody. Nobody has thought this through. There are no relevant laws or regulations in place, at least in the United States. If people really started thinking about this, they would realize – again, no matter what their feelings are about Donald Trump, or Alex Jones, or anyone else – wait a minute, these companies shouldn’t have that power, period,” he said.

Mansour pointed to the Facebook banning of a campaign ad from Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng of California as an example of Big Tech’s heavy thumb on our political scales. The ad was deemed “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational” because Heng talked about her family’s flight from the communist horrors of Cambodia.

Epstein raised the stakes by previewing an upcoming article in which he contends “Google, Facebook, and other tech companies can shift millions of votes in the U.S. midterm elections without anyone knowing.”

“The power that these companies have to impact opinions, purchases, beliefs, attitudes, voting preferences – there’s never been power like this. No government has ever had power like this.

The fact that it’s really just two or three companies – mainly two – and that they have similar politics, that just makes this even crazier. In fact, I say in this upcoming article that if these companies in November all happen to be favoring the same political party, I estimate conservatively – and I emphasize conservatively, even though I’m not a ‘conservative’ – that they could shift upwards of 12 million votes,” he warned.

Epstein added no one would know this vote-shifting had occurred, and there would be no paper trail for election monitors to track. To illustrate how many tools are available for the Masters of the Universe to influence politics, he said outright censorship was merely one of ten techniques they can employ.

“What we all saw today in the Alex Jones situation was some of that power being exercised, mainly in just one area, but there are at least nine other huge ways in which these companies are exercising power every single day over the decision-making right now of over 2.5 billion people around the world. It will grow in the next two to three years to over 4 billion people. So something is completely wrong here,” he said.

Mansour observed with dismay that Big Tech was once criticized for compromising its free speech values to do business with authoritarian regimes like China, but now it seems there is no “compromise” of values necessary to adopt the Chinese model of censorship in America.

Epstein pointed to an internal Google video called “The Selfish Ledger” that captured senior personnel celebrating the company’s “ability to shape humanity.”

“They specifically mentioned company values in this eight-minute video,” he noted. “There are people there who, in their minds, they’re doing us a big favor, they’re doing the world, humanity, a big favor by thinking about ways to reshape us in a way that somehow matches company values. That’s for our own good.”

For a thorough exploration of those “company values,” Epstein recommended the work of his friend Jonathan Taplin, author of Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Corner Culture and Undermined Democracy.

Read the complete article at the following weblink:

Infowars is Not Just Being Censored, Basic Business Infrastructure Now Being Stripped as MailChimp Bans Their Email

Infowars is not just being censored now, in the latest Totalitarian move against the outlet, Mail Chimp and LinkedIn have also banned them from using their services. (And last night, Disqus dropped them and killed their comments functionality)

On Monday, Infowars was banned from Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest as well as censored by Apple. The bans took place within hours of each other.

Brian Tyler Cohen@briantylercohen

Banned Alex Jones *so far*—


The coordinated attack on Infowars from liberal media and Silicon Valley has raised many concerns about who gets to be the gatekeepers of what views and opinions are allowed online.

  • Thinklike A. Mountain

    Disqus Bans Infowars from Comments Platform Amid Big Tech Purge

    “We are reaching out to inform you that your organization, Infowars, is in violation of the terms of use of the Disqus service,” claimed Disqus in their email. “Because of this, Disqus is unable to offer continued discussion services for your organization.”

    “As of Today, Disqus is terminating services for the shortnames ‘nfocom’, ‘europe-infowars’, ‘Newswars’, ‘infowarspaulrevere’, ‘prisonpcom’, and ‘planetinfowars’,” it continued. “Additionally Disqus is blocking the domains ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’.”

    CNN and other mainstream media outlets also attempted to get InfoWars banned from Twitter and the Apple App Store, where InfoWars’ app overtook CNN following the purge.

    On Monday, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) declared Silicon Valley companies “must do more than take down one” conservative website.

    “The survival of our democracy depends on it,” he proclaimed.