McKibben, the Journalist: Last Week’s Climate Report “landed … with a gentle plop”

McKibben, the Journalist: Last Week’s Climate Report “landed … with a gentle plop”

Essay by Eric Worrall

McKibben, the Journalist, believes the reason the IPCC’s increasingly frantic climate warnings are being ignored is people know they cannot make enough of a difference to achieve the bureaucrat goals.

Climate change is the legacy of people over the age of 60.That’s why we must protest

Bill McKibben

I’m proud to be part of Third Act, a climate activist organization for people over the age of 60

The brutal truth is, last week’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report didn’t have the effect it should have had, or that its authors clearly intended.

Produced by thousands of scientists, who synthesized the work of tens of thousands of their peers over the last decade, and meticulously drafted by teams of careful communicators, it landed in the world with a gentle plop, not the resounding thud that’s required.

In China, the world’s biggest emitter, official attention was focused instead on Moscow, where Xi Jinping was off to do a little male bonding with fellow autocrat Vladimir Putin, incidentally the world’s second largest producer of hydrocarbons.

In America, the historical emissions champ, we were riveted by the possibility that would-be autocrat Donald Trump might be , or might not be, indicted.

In the New York Times, our planet’s closest thing to a paper of record, the IPCC report was the fourth story on the website.

The reason, I think, is a disconnect between the dire words of the report and the actions most people feel they can effectively take.

If the world has begun to fall off a cliff – due, as the report says, to a lack of political commitment – then installing a heat pump in your house seems like a useful gesture but likely not enough.

“The climate timebomb is ticking,” the UN secretary general, António Guterres, said.

If a bomb is about to go off, you need to actually do something.

Read more:

“It landed in the world with a gentle plop” – I wish I’d thought of that line, but only a Journalist could coin that phrase.

The problem is not the disconnect between the words of the report and the actions people feel they can take.

The problem is the disconnect between the IPCC and their lack of credibility.

The people have heard all these dire IPCC predictions (magnified by a lapdog Mainstream Media) since 1990, and none of them have happened.

For more than 30 years we’ve been listening to the United Nations and other tax-money-guzzling organizations trying to scare-monger us with imaginary climate hobgoblins, ozone holes, acid rain, it’s a long list of utter nonsense.

If the IPCC wants to make more than a “gentle plop” in the world with their apocalyptic, but widely ignored pronouncements, they need to start getting some predictions right.


  • Willem Post

    Here are 4 major western provocations to pressure/provoke Russia

    1) NATO expansion beyond East Germany to finally “bark at Russia’s gates”, after Secretary James Baker promised Gorbachev “not one inch” beyond East Germany in 1990. Naive Gorbachev was gullible/stupid to believe him.

    2) The US-instigated/financed, illegal, violent, coup d’Etat that disposed an elected leader, and killed/“disappeared” several hundred people over several months

    3) NATO financing/arming/training/advising Ukraine’s armed forces as a proxy to threaten Russia

    4) The reinforced Ukraine army launching a genocide of the Donbas ethnic Russians, who had been there for at least 350 years, and killing 14,000 CIVILIANS over 8 years, from Feb 2014 to Feb 2022, with more such killing since then, as documented by OSCE weekly reports filed with the UN

    The Russian economy is managed much better than the Soviet economy;
    unemployment has steadily decreased from 11% plus in 1999 to 3.6% in 2023, per STATISTICA AND IMF

    Russia has had a year to get its arms, and especially its drones production, on war footing, 24/7/365, while NATO countries easily took old military gear out of storage, and did almost nothing to increase arms production.

    How can any army go on offense, without sufficient fuel, food, and especially ammo for all these different pieces of donated armaments? Who repairs all these items?

    Europe wants easy, low-cost access to RUSSIAN resources, so it can be more competitive in world markets, i.e., treating Russia as another resource supplier, i.e., a gas station, like resource/energy rich African and South American countries; the neo-colonialism paradigm

    Europe has not enough money to build up its deteriorated show-case military, its super-green society dreams, pay much higher energy prices, have much higher interest rates, and much higher inflation, and deal with a banking crisis, and deal with millions of illegal immigrants, and still maintain its world competitiveness, and its high standard of living, and its social safety net.

    No wonder EU and US people do not heed the IPCC.

    France is in a state of civil war for increasing retirement age from 62 to 64, which is less than all other EU countries. Its tourist industry and upscale wining and dining is dead, except for the well-off friends of Macron

  • Willem Post

    Net electricity generation is what is loaded onto transmission grids.

    NE load on transmission grids is about 119 TWh

    China about 7600 TWh

    Us about 4,000 TWh

    Germany about 600 TWh

    Solar, black, is just a sliver

    Wind, light blue, is a bigger sliver

    Biomass and Municipal waste, orange at the top, is just a sliver

    How in hell would any industrial state produce goods and services with coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear.

    A large fraction of China's oil and gas comes from Russia