Biden says "False" to Trump debate claim that solar cannot run our big factories

Snippet from last night's debate. The full transcript can be read at the weblink below.

[1:24:38] Trump: Solar. I love solar, but solar doesn't quite have it yet. It's not powerful enough yet to-- to really run our big beautiful factories that we need to compete with the world--

[1:24:47] Biden: False.

[1:24:47] Trump:  So, it's all a pipe dream, but you know what we'll do? We're gonna have the greatest economy in the world. But if you want to kill the economy, get rid of your oil industry. You want-- And what about fracking? 

[1:25:01] Welker: All right. Let me allow Vice President Biden to respond--

[1:25:04] Biden: I have never said I oppose fracking. 

[1:25:06] Trump: You said it on tape. 

[1:25:08] Biden: I did? Show the tape. Put it on your website. 

[1:25:10] Trump: I’ll put it on.

[1:25:11] Biden: Put it on the website. The fact of the matter is he’s flat lying.

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  • Willem Post

    Has there been a worse candidate in history than Joe Biden?

    When this election is over, the books revealing what went on backstage will be illuminating.

    But the truth is there for anyone with eyes to see.

    Take Biden’s car rally in Flint, Mich., Saturday, with a star-power assist from Barack Obama.

    Awkward barely covers it.

    Obama, effortlessly cool, gave a warmup speech to the assembled cars before ramping up to a dramatic introduction: “My friend, the next president of the United States of America: Joe Biden!”

    Moments ticked by, but there was no sign of the candidate.

    “Joe Biden!” Obama repeated, a little less confidently. But still no show.

    Obama tried a third time: “Joe Biden!”

    Biden at last emerged from a nearby building and did a pantomime slow jog to the stage.

    The worst part came later.

    After Biden had shouted his way through a short teleprompter speech, Obama came back onstage, perhaps to escort him off, because Biden did not seem to know where he was.