Over Fifty thousand "Green Energy" comments for the ages.......... are now lost

Green Cartel gets Planet of the Humans pulled from YouTube

With over 9 million views, tens of thousands of comments expressing outrage and discussing the incredible fraud behind "Green Energy"...............The Swamp finally gets "Planet of the Humans" pulled from YouTube. They never need valid reasons, they just do it.

The Michael Moore–produced documentary “Planet of the Humans” was pulled from YouTube due to a “copyright claim by a third party” – prompting writer-director Jeff Gibbs to denounced the removal as a “blatant act of censorship.”

“It is a misuse of copyright law to shutdown a film that has opened a serious conversation about how parts of the environmental movement have gotten into bed with Wall Street and so-called ‘green capitalists,’” Gibbs said in a statement Monday. “There is absolutely no copyright violation in my film. This is just another attempt by the film’s opponents to subvert the right to free speech.”

In Planet of the Humans Michael Moore does an excellent job of exposing despicable dirtbags like Al Gore and the Sierra Club. If Michael ever wants to do a sequel, I have a mountain of evidence against Audubon and their sellout of our bird populations.

For over 20 years they have been cashing in from Green Energy while our rural/native bird populations have been obliterated by wind energy. This green energy partnership started back when they cut a "Condor" deal with Enron.

As of April 2020 nearly 60,000 eagle carcasses have been secretly shipped to the Denver Eagle Repository after 1995. Most of these eagles have come from “green” wind farms.

The mega fraud known as "Green Energy" is rigged, the Media message is rigged and life as we know it is quickly disappearing.

Mail in ballots counted by the humans are next. In this age of internet banking and heavily encrypted servers, these archaic ballots are the easiest to rig and by far the most difficult to verify.  With computers, the American vote could probably be analyzed in a few minutes and in no more than a day. But with mail in ballots, it would take years and you would still have to rely on the accuracy of "hand picked" human counters.

Climate is not our enemy, corruption is. In fact, it's our biggest enemy.                                      

Below is a sampling of the free speech comments that were deleted