In this article are facts that any ethical lawyer could use to win a research fraud case against the wind industry

This factual article filled with scientific facts, was stripped from the internet. It was first published in April 2014. In this article are facts that any lawyer could use to win in a fraud case against the wind industry.

"Exposing the wind industry genocide - The ECOReport." Fortunately it was copied and saved by Darryl Mueller. 

The ECOReport



Jim Wiegand

For those that have the mistaken belief that wind is green, clean, or in some way a noble venture, reality couldn’t be any further from the truth. There is nothing commendable about hiding the slaughter to millions of protected bird and bats each year.

Most of public is unaware of this because at industrial wind farms there is no transparency. With gag orders, high security, and studies being conducted by the industry’s own biologists, the public has no

way of really knowing anything. Under these conditions information is filtered and the industry can report what they believe the public will accept.

Rigging Search Area Size

For decades I have been doing research and making astute wildlife observations. I have the expertise to see what others can not and when analyzing this industry’s studies, I see one sided environmental documents.

From my research and analysis I now have several thousand carcass distance records from turbine blade strikes. These records are from the years 1990 -2010 and none were taken from industry studies conducted with grossly undersized search areas. Search areas for these studies ranged from 50- 105 meters from towers. The wind turbines I looked at ranged in size from 65 kW up to 1.5 MW.

These carcass distance records are from the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, Montezuma Hills Wind Resource Area, Buena Vista wind project, Foote Rim Creek Rim Wind Project, Cedar Ridge Wind Farm, Forward Energy Center, and the Blue Sky Green Field wind project. From these carcass records it can be seen that most carcasses upon impact are launched beyond a turbines blade tip length away from towers. In fact this number is about 60% -70% depending on the study being looked at. This still does not take into consideration that search areas for most of these studies were too small for the size of turbine being studied. Several of the studies even mention this.

The average carcass distance from turbine towers recorded in these studies ranges from about 1 1/2 – 3 times the blade length of these turbines. Many of these turbines were only about 100 feet tall when including blades of about 8.5 meters in length. Hundreds of the other turbines I analyzed were about 300-400 feet at the tip of the rotor sweep.

But the industry has evolved and newer studies do not use larger search areas for their much larger turbines.

For the sake of comparison I will comment on some of the recent mortality studies that have been conducted by Stantec. The Stantec studies are important because in my opinion they represent the worst of the worst that this industry has to offer. In the last few years the average carcass distance reported by Stantec in their mortality studies at Wolfe Island, Kibby Mountain, Laurel Mountain, and Georgia Mountain in the Northeast, is about the same distance that was reported from the smallest

65-100 kw turbines at Altamont. But there are huge differences between the turbines studied by Stantec and these smallest turbines. The turbines they write reports for are 40-50 times larger. They reach 250-350 feet higher into the sky, they have blades that reach out 50 meters or more in all directions, and their deadly blade tip speeds are much faster.

All of these factors are important in mortality studies because they contribute to greater blade impact force, more carcass drift from the higher altitudes, and impact points much further out from turbine towers. In one case the blade tip impact points were as much as 47 meters further away (56 total) from turbine towers. Add into the equation that some of these the turbines are located on ridge lines and the carcasses thrown towards the downward slopes will to drift even further.

Part of a White Tailed Sea Eagle – Courtesy Save The Eagles

Yet every one of these Stantec’s mortality studies defies the Laws of Motion and Gravity because the

White Tailed Sea Eagle Corpse stuck in a tree – Courtesy Save The Eagles

industry’s own data proves that any carcass hit by a turbine blade has a much better than 50/50 odds or 1 out of 2 chance of this carcass landing at a distance beyond a turbines blade length.

For the hundreds of carcasses reported in the Stantec studies, only a handful have been reported past the turbine blade length and the average carcass distance disclosed is about half the distance of the turbine blade length. The odds of this reported carcass distribution to have actually occurred around these huge turbines is so high that it can not be calculated. In other words the numbers are impossible.

In years to come college math and physics classes will have fun analyzing all this. They can apply different wind speeds, acceleration, and points of impact to the wind turbine carcasses distance equation. The combinations are endless but one thing is certain they will understand that most of the carcasses being smacked with 200 mph blade tip speed will fly beyond a turbine’s blade length.

Below is an image of data taken from a 3 year study showing the carcasses distribution for 505 car- casses found in the Montezuma Wind Resource Area. The turbines are 1.5 MW and the search methodology used search areas of 105 meters from towers. The carcasses distance data was reliable for the point I am making but the study still had severe flaws that underreported mortality estimates. When looking at this data readers will see that I have added some notes.

Rigging the Data

The industry is using many tricks and manipulations to make carcasses disappear from around their turbines. None of this is scientific and I see differences in nearly every study I look at. The changes in their studies are predicated on how much mortality needs to be hidden. The most recent wind industry studies are the most appalling and this is because with the industry’s huge turbines they need far more carcasses to vanish.

From the previous information I have provided it should be quite obvious that the industry studies are unreliable because search areas are far too small. But there is much more. So much more that I can not put everything in this article or even ten articles. I have chosen to expose some of the manipulation of search plots and touch on the manipulation of carcass data.

In the image below it is fairly self-explanatory and easy to understand. The industry instead of using round search areas and thoroughly searching them has come up with a devious method to hide carcass data, the square search plot. It can be any size they choose but generally an area 120 – 160 meters on all sides. It may not even be square and the turbine may or may not be centered in the plot. The square search plot is used to give the illusion of a much bigger search area while avoiding the majority of carcasses expected to land within the designated searchable area around the turbine.

Not only are these square plots far too small, the data collected from these plots is easily manipulated. These plots may be fully searched but in most cases they are not and “proportions of area searched” are developed for the wind industry’s contrived mortality formulas. I have seen proportion of area searched for the furthest point declared at 100 percent as in the Maple Ridge Wind Farm study. But what the report is not putting in the formulas is that they only searched 100 percent of the area out to the furthest corner of the plot, the carcasses, the data, and the mortality from the full the declared annulus was avoided.

In the calculation of the proportion area searched, carcasses found at the furthest points can boost the numbers dramatically. In the image below I show how these carcasses when found and properly calculated can really boost the reported mortality with very small overall search areas.

This information was taken from a mortality study conducted in Wisconsin at the Cedar Ridge wind farm. I took the actual area searched and made corrections for the reported carcasses in relation to the proportion of the area actually searched.

From looking at just the search area data, 18 turbines are killing approximately 1100 birds per year and this does not take into consideration that the search areas should have been 150-175 meters from towers. It also does not taken into consideration searcher efficiency and other factors that boost the mortality numbers. This project has 41 turbines and the actual yearly fatality to birds and bats is many thousands.

For these 18 turbines in 2010 they reported an estimate of 216 bird fatalities.

This study did show that the majority of carcasses land past the turbine blades but how the data collected was processed, hid thousands of birds and bats being killed at this site. They not only used the square search plot ploy but they barely even looked around these turbines. They also discarded important carcasses by labelling them as “incidental”.

In any wind industry study if carcasses are labeled “incidental” it is a major red flag that the study is critically flawed. The word “incidental” is trump card exclusion for wind industry studies. All the carcasses shown in the square plot image are considered incidentals by the industry even though they are finding them dead or crippled on a regular basis.

Honest studies would suggest moving the search areas out to locate and include them in the data.

A high percentage of the raptors found during wind industry studies are dismissed as being incidental. Even the study that produced the data in the first image dismissed golden eagles found as far away as 200 meters because they were found beyond the 105 meter search areas.

Since 2004 Altamont Pass has been excluding dozens of golden eagles from their mortality estimates killed by turbines because they have been placed in the incidental category. How do these most of these dead eagles get placed in the incidental category? Wind personnel go around and pick them up along with other dead raptors ahead of the people doing “standardized surveys”.

An honest survey would never allow any wind personnel to touch a carcass but this takes place at every wind farm.

What I have pointed out is just a taste of what it is like to read through a wind industry study. It is a dreadful journey, but it must be done to save species from what is coming from this industry. The tricks may change from study to study but the end product is still the same, most of the wind turbine mortality is being hidden. For the wind industry there is no standardized research methodology and they make it up as they go along. The only thing I see in wind industry studies that is truly standardized is a very clear pattern of these studies being rigged to hide mortality.

Remains of Two Peregrine Falcons killed by Spanish Wind – Courtesy Save the Eagles

All of this is allowed to take place because the industry has been handed voluntary regulations from the upper levels of our government agencies. It is time for everyone to take note and to start asking the hard questions because these turbines are contributing to species extinction faster than any other source of energy.

Jim Wiegand is an independent wildlife expert with decades of field observations and analytical work. He is vice president of the US region of Save the Eagles International, an organization devoted to researching, protecting and preserving avian species threatened by human encroachment and development.

What an immature bald eagle looks like before the wind industry chops them up

(Image at top of Page: Golden eagle =Беркут (Aquila chrysaetos) Source= tos/chuckthephotographer/2391751046/; Author=Chuck Abbe, cc-by-2.0, Courtesy Wikipedia)






American Woman

APRIL 6, 2014 AT 10:55 AM As usual, Mr. Wiegand is spot on with the truth about bird mortalities.

Pingback: Jim Wiegand: Exposing the wind industry genocide | Quixotes Last Stand

Pingback: The wind industry, and their dirty deeds....they harm with impunity! | Mothers Against Wind Turbines

APRIL 8, 2014 AT 4:57 AM Thank you for the detailed investigation! I have read your work before and you are in the minority...keep up the great efforts!

APRIL 8, 2014 AT 8:27 AM I believe that one day the majority will despise this industry. But then than brings up another huge problem in our country, the Putin style politics.

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Jim Wiegand

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Carol A Overland

APRIL 14, 2014 AT 7:25 AM I strongly object to the use of the term “genocide” when considering what genocide is — consider Hitler, Pol Pot, Rwanda, etc. — that’s genocide. Use of “genocide” in this context is a gross over- statement, blows your credibility. It also harms those working so hard to address these important wind issues, myself and my clients included (permits revoked for Goodhue Wind, not renewed for Kenyon Wind). Here’s the wiki def: “Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group.”

APRIL 15, 2014 AT 12:01 PM Millions of birds, raptors, and bats are killed by the wind industry each year in North America. Most of this slaughter is deliberately hidden. When studies are conducted, they are rigged to conceal most of the mortality.

In time wind turbines will cause the extinction of dozens of species. The condors would have already been done in by turbines without intervention and feeding stations to keep them from the turbines. The whooping cranes would soon be but a memory without breeding in captivity to bolster their population. But even with captive breeding, I believe the migrating population of whooping cranes will be lost and they will be managed in special locations just like the condors. Many species will not receive this special treatment.

The organized hidden extermination of species involving our government and the wind industry does equal genocide. The propaganda machine for all this is bolstered by a steady stream of rigged research and then filtered through media outlets.

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Jim Wiegand

 Brian Loftes

APRIL 14, 2014 AT 10:40 AM This is all true but on top of that wind energy is a frad without government / taxpayer subsidies it cost 34 dollors and 70 cents per kilawatt hour and after twenty years and the subsidies end they walk away and once again we will have to clean up the mess.

APRIL 14, 2014 AT 2:39 PM This wind farm fraud is all part of U.N.Agenda 21 its green energy is a way to get people off the land water ect. Cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and his family in Nevada have been grasing there cattle on state land as far back as the 1800s but in the last year he was told that his cattle were endangering the destert tortoise. When the dust settled it was found out to be Harry Reid and his son who with China want to build a solar panel farm there. Now lets look at south of Block Is- land and we have our own destert tortoise its the window pain flounder so we can make way for Sheldon Shithouse and his wifes wind farms the great green agenda. I will leave you with this The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants alike. Thomas Jefferson

APRIL 27, 2014 AT 9:32 AM Just in, more proof of the wind industry rigging their mortality studies.......... I just reviewed an- other recent mortality study released from Altamont on their 2.3 MW turbines. This study found a total of 84 fatalities, 65 birds and 19 bats..........................53 (63%) of the carcasses were found beyond the 50.5 meter blade length with 105 meter search areas. A few fatalities were spotted out to 208 meters but primary searches were limited to 10 meter circles out to 105 me- ters.

Had they actually had formal searches out to 200-250 meters the number of 63% would have been far higher. One fatality was even listed as being “too far” to give the distance so it was probably found beyond 208 meters. Only 13 of the 84 carcasses were found at a distance from the tower base out to half the length of the blades (25.5 meters).

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Brian Loftes

Jim Wiegand

 In contrast studies on similar and even the same turbines in the Eastern US list the average distance of carcasses found at less than 50% of the turbine blade length. With most carcasses reported being close to the turbine towers. These numbers are manufactured and unlike this Altamont study and many others I have, the industry is now reporting few carcasses that are past a turbine’s blade length. In addition no adjustments are made for mortality estimates for carcasses that land beyond the industry’s small search areas out to 200-250 meters.

Like I stated in this article, the information being put in the mortality studies from Canada and the Eastern US, defy the laws of gravity and are impossible.

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MAY 6, 2014 AT 12:26 AM According to the urban dictionary: In modern society, genocide has come to apply to any planned mass slaughtering of a particular group of people, and to a lesser extent, any disaster that was brought about by artificial or human means and produced a large number of casualties. It’s suffered the usual media sensationalism and over the years has lost much of its meaning. In the eyes of society these days, genocide is no longer the profound offense to all of civilization that it was taken to be in 1945, but just an obscure problem in an equally obscure nation by an equally obscure dictator.

MAY 6, 2014 AT 7:32 AM The author, Jim Wiegand, is not “media” he is the Vice President of Save the Eagles and writing about the part wind turbines have in the eradication of the golden eagle population (human means). I suppose you could argue that the term genocide is not appropriate because these casualties are a byproduct rather than the goal of wind farms.

I find Jim’s evidence that the numbers of fatalities is far greater than being reported conclusive. He is not the only one reporting that this species is going extinct because of human means.

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Roy L Hales

 I do wish he would tone his language down, but he is not being dramatic. He has been observing this situation for many years and believes this is genocide.


MAY 6, 2014 AT 12:31 AM Down here in the Tehachapi Pass, tortoises are removed and relocated all the time. This begins long before the wind farms and solar plants are approved. Unfortunately for the tortoises when moved, they appear to attempt to back to their original location. They’re eaten by ravens and coyotes and hit by vehicles. Translocation is a failure.

Cattle do step on tortoises and kill them.

MAY 21, 2014 AT 11:34 AM Here is some very important information relating to wind industry mortality studies that are in no way scientific. It has to do with property owners and wind personnel having complete access to turbines during a mortality study.

By not having daily searches allows far too much time for carcasses to disappear from all forms of scavenging. Wind personnel are allowed to pick up carcasses.

I was told by an eyewitness (written statement) that he observed on two occasions wind person- nel randomly picking up carcasses from around turbines that were at the time having formal mortality surveys. Two people were seen quickly picking up carcasses from the clear areas (roads and graveled areas) around the turbines. They were seen dumping carcasses in a bucket and driving off to the next turbine. They were not seen with a pen, no handheld devices, a computer, no notebooks, they did nothing but grab and drive off.

The man at one point even talked with them. They did not appear to be professional and barely spoke English. He also said he would be willing to testify. This reported activity could have been an organized pre-scan for carcasses ahead of formal searches.

This all took place at a wind project located in the habitat of an endangered species, the Indiana

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Jim Wiegand


Pingback: Dead Eagle Data: What BigWind (and Honda) does NOT want you to know... | saveourskylineohio

Jim Wiegand

DECEMBER 18, 2014 AT 8:33 AM More on the wind industry genocide.......The information below was part of my comments sent in 9/22/14 regarding the proposed 30 year eagle killing permits for the wind industry. I made this information part of the record to expose some of the corruption taking place between the wind industry and the Interior Department . So far no investigations have taken place thing has taken place.

“Investigations for William C. Woody As Chief, Office of Law Enforcement, William C. Woody directs the work of the Service’s special agents and wildlife inspectors in enforcing the Nation’s wildlife protection laws. He also oversees the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in Oregon and the National Wildlife Property and Eagle Repositories in Colorado.

In the information below is information of a great fraud taking place. If William C. Woody would like to investigate I will be happy to explain any of this information below in further detail. Decades before wind turbines came on to the scene wildlife biologists used daily searches when looking for carcasses around communication towers. They did this because it was proven to be the most reliable methodology to get accurate mortality data. Periodic searches were also conducted far beyond standard search areas checking for missed carcasses. Generally these stan- dard search areas were conducted as far out from towers as the tower was tall. Periodic expand- ed searches were conducted as far out as 1 1/2 times tower height. Today with this fraudulent green industry, carcasses searches are not daily and for 400 -500 ft tall turbines, the industry doesn’t even fully search an area 150 feet out from turbines. Proper search areas for these turbines should be 600 feet out with periodic searches out even further. Anything found beyond their tiny standard search areas are generally dismissed as being incidental. I know of one study that dismissed several hundred carcasses as being incidental. Many of them were raptors.

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 Mortality numbers given out by this industry numbers are off by at least 90% and this estimate is based upon the industry’s own data produced in their rigged studies. But since they are eliminating so much important data, with rigged methodology and employee interference, the true numbers they are covering up are probably closer to 95-98%. There are also cases when the mortality numbers are even higher. For example with endangered species, if no fatalities are ever reported there is no data. This has been the case of the whooping cranes. The central flyway population was growing steadily each year until about 2006, the beginning of the turbine invasion in their habitat. Today there should be about 450 whooping cranes in this population but the true population numbers are no longer given and they are estimated by the FWS to be at around 175-350. This low number also includes dozens that have been dumped into the wild populations from breeding facilities. The industry has hidden the slaughter of many millions of birds and bats. Currently the AWEA is claiming they are only killing about an average of 2.9 birds per MW and I expect this fake number will decline along with the increased rigging of wind industry studies taking place. From my research into this industry’s bogus mortality studies, the real number is at least 10-50 times higher depending on locations. Below are some of the ways wind industry studies are being rigged to hide mortality:

(1) By searching turbines that are not operational, ( 2) by searching for bodies in grossly under- sized areas around wind turbines, (3) by not searching turbines daily which allows more time for bodies to be consumed by predators, hidden by employees, and picked up by leaseholders wanting to protect their income, (4) By not using trained dogs in searches which could quickly find virtually every carcasses in a large area around each turbine, (5) By avoiding turbines that are known to be killing the most birds at bats at a wind farms to be included in mortality studies, (6) By avoiding searches during periods of high usage by migrating birds, (7) By not counting mortality wounded birds that have wandered away from turbines, (8) By not counting birds taken to rehab centers which are later euthanized or permanently placed in captivity, (9) By hiring industry shills to make sure that wind industry protocol is followed, (10) by not conducting mortality searches the first year of wind farm operation, 11) By letting farming practices plow carcasses into the ground during mortality surveys, (12) By rigging data calculations and by discarding very important carcasses from the data and declaring them “incidental carcasses”(12) by outright lying about problematic data such as fatalities to endangered species, and most importantly (13) By restricting formal search areas to the roads and cleared areas around turbines which also happen to also be the easiest areas for wind personnel to pre-scan for carcasses ahead of formal searches, and (14 ) Pay very close attention to this not allowing 24 hour

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 camera surveillance on turbines that would expose the truth regarding mortality.

Camera surveillance on wind turbines was suggested by well meaning biologists over 25 years ago and to this day it has never happened. Besides exposing the horrific wind industry slaughter taking place these cameras would cost a small fraction of the many millions being given to shill biologists for rigging their studies. If William C. Woody would like to investigate I will explain in great detail where these standardized tricks are showing up in the industry’s “standardized studies”. The Settlement at Altamont between Audubon and the wind industry is also complete disgrace and should be investigated because the slaughter has not declined as it was agreed it would be. The industry studies have been rigged to make it appear that way. In the meantime the industry has continued to install far more deadly rotor sweep into to the Altamont Pass region.

In one 7 month wind industry study, I believe over 25,000 bat fatalities and about 7800 bird fatalities were concealed. This represents a death rate of 111 birds/MW and 357 bats per/MW or nearly 468 birds and bats killed per MW per year. This was the estimated mortality from just 28 2.5 MW turbines in Maryland. Their tiny search areas around the huge turbines amounted to about 68% of a 50 meter distance from towers. These turbines had blades 50 meters in length and search areas should have been at least 200 meters out from the turbines. In the mortality report for these turbines it was claimed that searchers systematically searched along predetermined in transects. I was told something completely different by an eyewitness (written statement) that he observed on two occasions wind personnel randomly picking up carcasses from around turbines that were at the time, having formal mortality surveys. Two people were seen quickly picking up carcasses from the clear areas (roads and graveled areas) around the turbines. They were seen dumping carcasses in a bucket and driving off to the next turbine. They were not seen with a pen, no handheld devices, a computer, no notebooks, they did nothing but grab bodies and drive off. The man even talked with them. They did not appear to be professional and barely spoke English. He also said he would be willing to testify to what he saw. This reported activity could have actually been an organized pre-scan for carcasses ahead of formal searches. This observed activity was nothing close to being scientific and took place when formal searches were being conducted on these turbines in Maryland. These turbines are also located in the known habitat of the endangered Indiana bat. If William C. Woody would like to investigate, I will put him in contact with this eyewitness. Lastly I have in my possession credible evidence that mortality searches written up in a mortality

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 study conducted at the Hatchet Ridge wind farm in CA, never took place. If William C. Woody would like to investigate, I will be happy to show him this evidence. Jim Wiegand Wildlife Biologist and raptor expert

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Comment by Jim Wiegand on March 19, 2018 at 1:29pm

By the way Chris O'neil had this information.


Maine as Third World Country:

CMP Transmission Rate Skyrockets 19.6% Due to Wind Power


Click here to read how the Maine ratepayer has been sold down the river by the Angus King cabal.

Maine Center For Public Interest Reporting – Three Part Series: A CRITICAL LOOK AT MAINE’S WIND ACT


(excerpts) From Part 1 – On Maine’s Wind Law “Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine if the law’s goals were met." . – Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, August 2010 Part 2 – On Wind and Oil Yet using wind energy doesn’t lower dependence on imported foreign oil. That’s because the majority of imported oil in Maine is used for heating and transportation. And switching our dependence from foreign oil to Maine-produced electricity isn’t likely to happen very soon, says Bartlett. “Right now, people can’t switch to electric cars and heating – if they did, we’d be in trouble.” So was one of the fundamental premises of the task force false, or at least misleading?" Part 3 – On Wind-Required New Transmission Lines Finally, the building of enormous, high-voltage transmission lines that the regional electricity system operator says are required to move substantial amounts of wind power to markets south of Maine was never even discussed by the task force – an omission that Mills said will come to haunt the state.“If you try to put 2,500 or 3,000 megawatts in northern or eastern Maine – oh, my god, try to build the transmission!” said Mills. “It’s not just the towers, it’s the lines – that’s when I begin to think that the goal is a little farfetched.”

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We have the facts on our side. We have the truth on our side. All we need now is YOU.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

 -- Mahatma Gandhi

"It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi 

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Hannah Pingree on the Maine expedited wind law

Hannah Pingree - Director of Maine's Office of Innovation and the Future

"Once the committee passed the wind energy bill on to the full House and Senate, lawmakers there didn’t even debate it. They passed it unanimously and with no discussion. House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, a Democrat from North Haven, says legislators probably didn’t know how many turbines would be constructed in Maine."

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