Phyllis Wolf


Eddington, ME

United States

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  • arthur qwenk

    Contact Lynne Williams ESQ immediately at
    I think they are full of CRAP from my understanding of the law.
    They are intimidating you.
  • arthur qwenk

    The 250 ft
    prohibition only applies if they were
    handing out lit that had to do with something or someone on today's ballot.
    They can be as close as
    they want with wind lit, since it is not on the ballot today. To be inside
    the building they would need to
    arrange ahead of time with the clerk, but not to be right outside. Here is
    the relevant statute - tell
    them to print it out and bring it to the clerk.
    L williams ESQ.
    I have sent the statute to you as well.
  • Denise Hall

    Hi Phyllis,

    I will call tonight around 7 tonight if that works for you.