Conservation groups and wind energy - Big windfall heading to ABC Birds?

 For looking the other way and for filing meaningless legal actions, conservation groups are paid very handsomely from wind industry developments.  Audubon has reaped great rewards from wind energy developments for remaining silent about our birds and eagles being  annihilated.

Will the Washington DC based conservation group, ABC Birds be cashing in from a settlement that includes Lake Erie turbines?
Or will they expose the blatantly fraudulent wind industry research submitted for these massive turbines and demand that credible research be conducted?
Is or has ABC Birds been receiving any wind industry funding and if so have they disclosed these funds to all parties fighting against these turbines?
This is very important because ABC may have "Bird Smart" conflicts of interest.  ABC claims that their "Bird Smart Energy Program addresses wind energy development that does not adequately consider potential impacts on birds.  I don't believe it, otherwise they would be addressing the proliferation of fake green research, hiding millions of wind turbine fatalities across this country.  And many of these hidden green fatalities are taking place to special status and endangered species.
                                                                                                                                                                               Looks like there could could be  problems, especially since the ABC lawsuit doesn't specifically criticize or bring up, green energy's contrived and nonscientific research.

Attacking the process is sort of meaningless when compared to the decades of fake wind industry research, hiding thousands of eagles, including millions of birds, and bats annually.  After all, this "process" mentioned in the lawsuit, has been a miserable corrupted failure for over 35 years.