Lance Tapley: Is Mills for Real on Climate Change?

.......Gov. Janet Mills got a lot of attention when she stood before the United Nations General Assembly’s Climate Action Summit on September 23 and announced she had signed an executive order pledging Maine to become “carbon neutral” by 2045.

Problem is, it’s too easy a goal to achieve. We’re either close to it or already there. That’s because of our vast forest, which covers 89 percent of the state. The trees’ photosynthesis process absorbs carbon dioxide from the air.

Thus, Mills, a Democrat, laid out a “wimpy” goal, said Michael Kellett, head of the environmental group RESTORE: The North Woods, which for years has been pushing for a giant national park in the no
Rrth country...........................

Read the full article here:

RELATED POST from CTFWP in September 2011:

Download the very straightforward PDF here:

Maine's Wind Goals in Proper Perspective

  • Thinklike A. Mountain

    The media are controlled....owned. The lies they tell us about climate change and the efficacy of wind power, is no more real than the lies they told us about the JFK assassination and what happened on 9/11/01.

    It's time to save our country and have a working watchdog media, not a controlled propagandist for the controlling class.

    Watch the following and realize how badly we have been had.


  • Eskutassis

    After watching the 9-11 video below, I firmly believe there is a concentrated effort afoot to "fundamentally change the direction" of our country (where have I heard that before?) and make us over into a top down controlled populace. That is one that our lives will be controlled from the crooked politicians in Washington. They have proven themselves to be criminals over and over . . . How does a man who has NOTHING, not even a valid credit card when elected, to buying a $50 million house on a very expensive island in 8 years? How do the children of a career politician get over a billion dollars? How do most of the Senators and Congressmen walk away from Washington with far more than they went in with? All this is NOT what our founders envisioned 230 years ago. Term limits is the only thing we can do to solve this. Nobody should make their life's work being a master of the population. They begin at some point to believe they have all the answers when they have NONE! The government we have is what we deserve if we don't do something about it. 


  • Stephen Littlefield

    Lance Tapley would by my estimation would be classified as opinionated educated idiot! His fake news opinion serves to point the population to subservient lifestyle to the all controlling  government. Windmills and solar panel are made in China, both are a nightmare to recycle as there is much that requires special handling, like the PCB laden oil in the turbines. And with an estimated 14,000 hulks of dead windmills nation wide, the more that are erected the more rusting hulks Maine will have on top of destroyed mountain tops in the near future! More eco-destruction with little benefit!