The media and National Audubon are such liars

I'm not a fan of the media or National Audubon these days because they are such liars.

Studies these days are written to deceive and lie by omission. I call it fraud because the pattern of using contrived nonscientific research methodologies is so pervasive. Of course Audubon is happy to rely on and endorse these fake studies that divert attention from wind energy. After all, they receive wind energy mitigation funding and the worse things get for birds, the more money they get to save them.

For over 2 decades Audubon has been endorsing fraudulent wind energy research. I don't know of a single story related to wind energy that Audubon has been involved since they cut a deal with Enron, allowing the wind turbine destruction of California Condor habitat.

The unfiltered truth is that Audubon is absolutely CORRUPT and at least 87 bird species that use habitat in MA are vulnerable to wind energy developments. Nationwide over two-thirds of all American bird species are threatened by wind turbines............. and these dirtbags won't say a word.

The media is well aware that there very credible experts like me that can turn this whole corrupt industry upside down, but they deliberately avoid all of us, just like the wind industry avoids doing any real research.

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  • Stephen Littlefield

    The silence of the Audubon society is deafening, their betrayal of the birds for blood money is no different than the blood diamonds from Africa!

  • Penny Gray

    I just received an on-line survey from Audubon re: climate change and bird extinction.  I emailed back my opinion of their survey.  Their automatic response was that someone would respond to my email in a few days.  Habitat loss is the biggest threat to all wildlife including birds, and filling their airspace with whirling blades is destroying their habitat.

  • Stephen Littlefield

    Just received this in an email from the fraudsters at Audubon"

    Dear Stephen,

    Please join Maine Audubon in supporting the most significant investment in wildlife conservation in a generation. Contact your Member of Congress today and urge them to co-sponsor the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (HR 3742).

    The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) will fund proactive efforts led by the states, territories, and tribes to address our nation’s looming wildlife crisis and to prevent species from becoming endangered. RAWA will dedicate $1.3 billion annually to the implementation of State Wildlife Action Plans, which outline specific conservation actions necessary to recover and sustain healthy wildlife and fish populations.